How to use BlackBerry-laptop internet tether

I went to T-Mobile today. This is what I found out.

The guy that works there is a BB user himself but he suggested that I use tech support for setting up tethered internet. He hasn't tried that himself.

Also, the guy said that the roaming cost for out-of-area laptop internet was HUGE and he didn't recommend using the tethered laptop. :(

So, I guess I won't bother with it. Back to square one for ways to get internet when I visit MIL. Maybe I'll be lucky and one of her neighbors uses an unsecured wireless router that I can connect to, heh, heh. :lol:

While I was at T-Mobile, I asked the guy about 4.5 software for BB. He recommended it. So I might download that. I know there's another thread about the BB 4.5, so I'll check it out.
Thank you for updated & information I really appreciate that.. I can't believe retailer didn't give you site where you can downloading update for your BB..

Right here:

Did you know that T-Mobile already caught up with 4.5 OS upgrade for T-mobile BB users last month. You can upgrade 4.5 OS software, T-Mobile BB 4.5 Softwares , there you go, select, then downloading!

Enjoy with new software on your BB like new! Ha
How do I use my BlackBerry to tether internet service for my laptop? I did the downloads and used the wizards to set it up with my BB and laptop but I still can't get the internet that way. I keep getting error msgs, so the dial-up doesn't connect.

Does anyone have any successful experience with this?

The reason that I want to do this is when I travel to MIL's house next year I want to have internet access. She doesn't have internet at her house. I can use my BB for myself but I want to show her things on the internet. The BB screen is too small for her to view comfortably. So I was thinking of taking my HP laptop with me.

I have Windows XP on the laptop. My BB is a Curve with 4.2.2 OS. My service is T-Mobile.

Any tips?

hope it will help you some tips - DeafBerry