How to save residental programs?

SpeedyHawk, that is really sad. B/c I DO think that parents of teens and middle schoolers would see that as an awesome "independent living" sitution. I think that might be a way to save res schools......promote living there as an independent living oppertuntiy. I know some Deaf Schools like MSSD have them.
You know, I know we bashed "foster care" as a really bad placement. BUT, I wonder if we could maybe have something like "Deaf School care" They would be "surrogate families" for the littlest kids. I thought that most Deaf Schools had a pretty active Deaf community. Maybe some Deaf Community families could volunteer to be "surrogate families" for the little kids who are in the odd situtions. I don't think that little kids can handle group living just yet, and DO need the stability of a family. I know off the top of my head that's how Wyoming School for the Deaf handled it, and that is how Manitoba School for the Deaf handled it. I mean although it's best for little kids to live at home, (and most dhh kids can be served via day programs) there are still kids who are from really rural situtions, (how is a dhh kid from an Alaskn reservation in the middle of now where supposed to get an education?) or kids from very dangerous towns or kids from places where even hearing kids get a super crappy education. There's also the fact that in states where mainstream special ed is crappy, the Deaf School (or blind school in some cases, even thou most blind school kids are mentally handicappedl) is really good.
faire joure. It is completely different. You can revamp living situtions and remediate loopholes and stuff, easier then you can remediate a methodology. I do understand that many older people may have suffered trauma in the dorms. The reasons why the dorm living situtions were so bad in the old days were b/c it was before they had rules and protection and stuff like that. It was like that almost everywhere.....We all know about places like Willowbrook : Willowbrook State School - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Guess what? There are still state schools/developmental centers in existence ...but they have cleaned up and reformed a LOT. That is the same for dorms at res schools. Notice that virtually everyone who is protesting is from the era where that sort of thing happened. That would be like adults from when that speaking tube was first popularized being against oral training with the body worn hearing aids.
It is a lot easier to revamp a living sitution then it is to revamp a particualr methodology. Oralism is still " deaf kids only need oral and aural training...they don't need stuff like ASL or speechreading or other "disabilty stuff" It's the same shit, just a different day.
Don't you think that if the dorms were still so bad, they would have been shut down years and years ago?
This is all well in good, but, people with degrees also abuse children and their wives. You want to end the cycle abuse, educate your children that it just isn't acceptable to tolerate it. Then, if they still find themselves in a bad situation, you tell them to get the Hell out! You provide them shelter or whatever they need. The reason this crap perpetuates itself is because we're not educating our sons, daughters, nieces, and, nephews that it's NOT OK. Boys think its OK to hit girls. Girls think its OK that they be hit. Same with sexual violence. The messages our kids are getting are all messed around, and, this is what must stop. This is NOT a subject that has just one answer to it. There are many things that need to happen to stop abuse and protect our children, women, and yes, MEN who are being abused.

It would be awesome if it was simple, but, it isn't.

But, abuse is only one part of the residential school issue. The title of this thread is how do we save them? I've yet to hear some ideas. Anybody??

I agree.
here are many things that need to happen to stop abuse and protect our children, women, and yes, MEN who are being abused.

It would be awesome if it was simple, but, it isn't.

But, abuse is only one part of the residential school issue.
That's what a lot of people are missing.....that this isn't a simple thing. Abuse and unstabilty happens everywhere. Just b/c there's group living situtions it doesn't mean that someone's getting abused. And heck, a dorm living sitution COULD prevent stuff like abuse happening at home, or kids living in unstable situtions or whatever. Not every kid has the advantages of healthy interpersonal dynamics or come from areas that offer the advantages that a middle class suburb does! Yes, I agree there were horrible abuses of the dorm system in the past.....but I also think that the dorm system can be a good force in some kid's lives. Who knows? Maybe a kid could feel like they fit in, and that they don't have to go off and have mindless sex or do drugs or whatever to feel like they "fit in" (you have NO idea of the number of kids I know who are pretty much fucked up socially and emotionally b/c everyone said that the only thing they needed was the local Neighborhood School.)
I like living in dorm as I get to talk to people in ASL when my own family don't sign. One thing I would want is parents to be less in denial. I mean there was a priest who has a real short temper. He had hit me in the face while I was learning to drive. Yes, the car nearly went into the ditch because of that. I told my mother and she didn't believed me until she saw him literally pushing a much bigger student around. That was about two years later and I was fuming about it those years. Still my mother didn't do anything about it. If she had done something about with other parents, that priest could be ousted. He was eventually ousted after I graduated.

I like living in the dorms but there are few things that need to be changed. A counselor one can talk to. (This school I went is so small and I am sure they can't afford a counselor.) I don't know if a counselor can investigate those allegations and weed out bad apples. There should be someone like that.

The counselors should focus on the bullies, not the victims. It seems to me that they are focusing on the victims. I just don't understand why a person who is so popular feel the need to bully others.
How to save them? By making ASL mandatory in deaf education and if the public schools dont have a BiBi program set up for their deaf students, then the parents can send their kids to the Deaf schools.

I really need to bring your attention to this post #78 -

Deafdyke, am I wrong that you still live at home with your wealthy family? When they die, will you be able to go to work and live on your own , or will you possibly end up in group home living?

Do you even have any idea of what the nightmares you are bringing back to a lot of us every time you start up with this, "Oh let's tell deaf kids what a paradise dorms and group home living"are?

You've yet to answer Botts' very good question. It's as if you avoided her questions and kept on bringing back bad memories for a good number of members here.

I am asking you to be respectful DeafDyke, you're treading on grounds that you do not even have personal knowledge of. You spout off information that is found from the internet. You need to be respectful of individualistic boundaries when it comes to painful memories being dredged over and over again just to appease your curiosity.