How to avoid making presentations? college student


New Member
Sep 18, 2006
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Hello Im currently in my 4th semester in college, I started to lose my hearing about 5 years ago due to hearing infections/fireworks incident....hearing loss... Anyway, this week is our finals for my english class, we have to make a 10 minute presentation on various topics of business writing and management skills. We also also had to do a 4 page essay on it, which we turned in last week. But the problem is, I'm fourth in line to do the presentation, which is tomorrow. Also, at the end of the presentation, we have to ask for questions!

To make it worse, my prof is giving extra credit points to students who ask a question, so I'll be bombarded by at least 15 classmates asking Q's, yes they all want the extra-credit. I really want to avoid this because I can't hear, I mean I couldn't even hear what the presenters from last class were saying lol.
Oh I forgot, I have inner ear hearing aids but I hardly use them...I just dont like the way they sound...and I didn't think it was a big deal because the ENG class is writing intesive, which means we sit in the computer lab all day writing essays, we hardly communicate. Because of this, I didn't tell my teacher Im hard of hearing, which was really stupid of me...I regret that. And I don't want to piss her off at the last week of class telling her Im hard of hearing.

Is there anyway I could avoid making a presentation in front of a class of 30?? Or should I just cut class and hope I pass with a C???
i think you should of maybe talked to your teacher before hand and she/he could have maybe accomodated you, but seeing how you waited until the day before, i don't think they will have much sympathy for you unfortunately, sorry to be blunt. Do you not know ASL?and have a terp?
Thanks for replying!
Yes I know, very stupid of me.... I wont make the same mistake semester.. lol. No I don't know any ASL, I had mild hearing loss back then so it wasn't much of a problem, but during the past 8 months, my hearing and been rapidly decreasing at a faster*t! I'll get new hearing aids during the summer so hopefully, that'll help me. I don't have an interpreter either...Im screwed....
Most colleges require students to request "accommodations" prior to the beginning of the semester thru the disabilities office. Individual instructors aren't allowed to make accommodations without authorization from the disabilities office.

So, you might be out of luck for this presentation, unless your instructor is merciful to your last minute plea. Be prepared for your instructor not to buy your story, though. If you haven't mentioned a hearing problem until now, and you don't wear hearing aids, then you could be perceived as just trying to cover up your stage fright or lack of preparation.

Live and learn, eh?
Most colleges require students to request "accommodations" prior to the beginning of the semester thru the disabilities office. Individual instructors aren't allowed to make accommodations without authorization from the disabilities office.

So, you might be out of luck for this presentation, unless your instructor is merciful to your last minute plea. Be prepared for your instructor not to buy your story, though. If you haven't mentioned a hearing problem until now, and you don't wear hearing aids, then you could be perceived as just trying to cover up your stage fright or lack of preparation.

Live and learn, eh?

Exactly. If you need accommodations they need to be requested before the start of the quarter or sememster. The disabilities office will provide you with documentation to geive to your professors. And this must be done with the start of each new semester or quarter.

Without self disclosure to the disability office prior to the start of classes each term, I'm afraid that you are not eligible to have any revisions in the curriculum made, nor given an alternate assignment to complete.
Hey there...growing up oral-only, I had to give several presentations despite having a severe profound hearing loss in both ears since birth. I hated them so much but I just did my best and I passed all of them.

All you can do is just try your best and have each student ask a question one at a time.

Hope that helps!