How old is your.....


New Member
Apr 13, 2006
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How old is your Girlfriend or Boyfriend??

If your married- How how is your Hubby or Wife??

Im single for the moment!!!! :whistle:
I was going to date him... But it wasn't going to work out that way... But we're still remain good friends and still talk to eachother....
He's 26 years old!

Cassbugs said:
I was going to date him... But it wasn't going to work out that way... But we're still remain good friends and still talk to eachother....
He's 26 years old!


Oh, so handsome!!:)
Momoftwo said:
Oh, so handsome!!:)
well thank you....He's a sweetheart... but someone esles will come along and Im glad he's a good friend of mine still!!! :angel:
My hearing husband and I are the same age, but I am 4 months older than him. Heh!
My boyfreind is 18... He's cute Asian guy :)
My ex-gf is 22 years old and I am 35. 13 years difference. We recently broke up. However, we still remain good friends and talk to each other.
yeh i am random, 18 yr old, did hav an ex whos 17, but now just randomizing gettin too many girls lol
My ex boyfriend is 34 yrs old and I am 28 yrs old but he is not my boyfriend anymore :)