How many children do you have?


Active Member
Sep 27, 2005
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I have two children. Hopefully I might have joint custody of my kids. My divorce is nearing to the end very soon before July 4th, Independence Day. My daughter is 8 years old and always spoiling with me. My son is 14 years old and quite real teenager. I looked at my son big teenager! He loves musics and wrestling.

Also I have step daughter, 25 years old.

Hard to believe my son is growing fast and quite smarter. He learned much on computer. He said he loves Mac. He knows different between PC and Mac. Yesterday he asked me to help him how to get uploading picture file from destination to image host or websites for example uploading pictures to profile. He learns faster.

My daughter is quiet and shy. She sometimes asked me to read a book with her. :) She loves bowling fun and stargazing the sky with me.
i have only child 4 year old.. young boy but he's trying to learn he's still in diapers but i love him to death.. i wanted more but i cant take any risk about my health.. i'm diabetic...
Me NONE!!!!! Hooray!!!!!!!

Hehe I would love to have childrens but I can't have any since it's personal reasons!!!!

But I may marry someone who has childrens...... Who Knows.....

GOd Has a plan for everyone!!!
i did have twin boys name Joseph and Alan.. then my son TJ .. then my daughter Summer.. only one is living.. TJ.. hes 7.. sighs.. i cant have more as im tied now..
I have one son who is 3. I would love to have one more, hopefully a girl since I already got a boy. Hope I will get married someday before I have another kid!
I have two children, One is 11 and the other one is 6. ;)
i have 3..

stepdaughter 4

son 3

daughter soon 5 mos old

in few year, like to have one more, hopefully! :)
I have son. He is 8 years old. I have step teenages and adult. Stepdaugther is 21, other stepdaugther is 17 and stepson is 18. Two girls live with their mom. My stepson live with us for temp. We are making him go army this july.
I have 2 biological daughters, 22 and 21 years old. Also have three step children: 2 girls 10 and 6, and boy 6. I consider all of them my own cuz I love all of them sooo much. My husband has full custody so three youngest live with us. Two oldest (my biological) live on their own.
I have 2 years old son and 9 Months old daughter.. and no more kids.. lol.. I am so done.. I had my tubes tied in Oct. of 2005. :)
I have a son who is 10 yrs old. He is such a sweet boy. I love him to death. Not only that he is my mircle otherwise I wouldnt have any kid at all. :D :hug: to my son.
Three girls - 16, 15 and 12.

At the moment they are on school holiday, and will travel up to the Snow to play ski tomorrow by bus.

One is working part time job on the weekends as cashier, the other two playing netball and basketball, and one is umpire for netball to earn some $$$$.
I have five....Its more of His, my and ours children... LOL
Stepdaughter age 25, stepson age 13 and my son age 11, my daughter age 10 then its our daughter age five,, Yep now I am tied which means I will not have any more children. Those children are just enough to keep me busy!! :whistle:
Two girls almost 11 and 9

Three stepsons 20, 19 and 13

Does pets count as kids? If so, a dog, a cat and 2 dwarf hamsters :whistle:
My boyfriend likes to joke that he wants 5 kids...I always tell him hell no, I only want 2! LOL!
I have a five years old son, he bears same name as my name, and that he looks almost exact same as I look! Many of you know how my son looks. Its here in AD somewhere! If not sure, which one. Easy... the pix he was with his two cute girlfriends! My gf freaked out when she found pix of me when I was 5 years old, almost can't tell difference between me and my son!