How long is being single "too long"?


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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I have been single for almost 4 years now. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my single life. Before that, I was in relationship for 15 years so now, every time I date someone, it made me feel like I was losing my independence and privacy. Why is that? I think maybe I'm terrified to fall in love again... :hmm:
Now, that's hottie girl. Oh... too far for me... Anyone can have her. But be nice to her! And extra respect! tee-hee
Hi...u are just like my friend. She got out of a bad marriage and bought her own house. She has dated but whenever the relationship started becoming serious, she would break it off saying she wasnt ready. She admitted to us, girls that she loves having the house to herself and cant imagine having someone else living there with her. She is afraid to lose her independence and privacy so as a result, she is still single after 2 years.

U probably are very comfortable with where you are at now and afraid to change?
Now, I remember her, she was on different username on this forums. I guess she must forget password or forget username. typical happen. oh well.

Anyway, being single too long - well, I like independence as well. I feel weird when someone nag me. It make me want to fight back and then end up being in bed. That's part of fun to being together. Tough and challenge.

I have been single for umm.... a year after short relationship. Blah.
I left a 20 year marriage a few years ago. Have a wonderful b/f for almost 5 years now.....but I don't want to live together, get married or even have sleepovers very often. Luckily, this suits him fine too. Many people think we are not committed, but this is not true. We just are not doing it like the book says you should ya know, we are figuring out what works for us. I truly enjoy my independence, but many men would frown upon it.
I have been single since 1993 so that is 16 years. I am just fed up with men and wish I could find a mature guy.
Relationships are unique among each couple. Many people have not learned to respect that. Our culture has put on a lot of pressure for us to expect others to follow the book, even the rules of mating practices. I think if we didn't have to worry so much about what other's think, there'd be more happy relationships and less divorce.
Relationships are unique among each couple. Many people have not learned to respect that. Our culture has put on a lot of pressure for us to expect others to follow the book, even the rules of mating practices. I think if we didn't have to worry so much about what other's think, there'd be more happy relationships and less divorce.

Maybe so. All I want is someone to respect me and my feelings. Yes, I do the same back to the guy.
I don't think there's such a thing as "too long" in being single. You do what works best for you -- I know that sounds cliche, but it's true if you haven't met someone that's ideally suited for you. I would much rather be single for a long time than be with jerks, egotistical guys, etc. I lucked out in finding a wonderful guy a few years back, but if I hadn't, I'd rather have stayed single.
15 years!? Wow, that's long... what happened?

Most women tell me that the longer you were in a relationship, the longer it is hard to get into another relationship. One woman told me that it was a 2 for 1 rule. The time it takes to recover from a relationship is twice as long as you were in a relationship. And if you recovered in less time, then it the relationship didn't mean anything to you and that it was all fake. Of course, that's her opinion... just something I thought was interesting.
I think the longer you live alone it get harder to have someone in your life. We do get set in our ways . It depend on the person , some people wait for years and other start dating right away. I hope you find someone , it is nice to have someone to share your life with!
That's true, whatdidyousay....I know from experience!...I've been single and alone a very long time. My choice....
Now it seems, I'm settled in with my life.....I know myself....and could not fathom being around someone 24/7.

My kids and pets are #1 in my life. But I never say never!
Depends on the inviduals. Some like to be single and some want to be with a man/woman. Someone who hasn't been with someone for a long time doesn't mean they will never get someone or have lower chances of getting someone. It just depends on whom, that's all.
I don't think there is an definite answer to as how long it is to be "too long" to be single. It stems down to a personal choice for each individual. For one, taking a couple of years would set his/her pace to get settled but for another, it could take couple of months to get back on the track.

Just because one moves on a little bit faster than another does not mean that the previous relationship is a joke. It just means that some are able to heal faster than another in an appropriate time frame.

But yeah, the longer you are out of a relationship, it will be a bit rusty to get back in on the track but chances are, you'll be able to get the hang of it. :)
or more skilled at picking up taking people, go dropping off the ride, in other words more attractive and with that have less consciousness. People are basically selfish.
Relationship is just another form of 'money', spend time on trying it, working on it and selling it can be with high returns (think divorces or reputation or more skills in life learnef from that person(s) )
so like money, some people are more impulsive with relationships, others prefer to 'shop around' - so they take their time. Others dont buy at all, thus never get into relationships.
everybody always go through the variety situations from their opinions... let use me as an example. i am single for 25 yrs, its exact as my age - yes. and i never had a boyfriend, in other words, i dont do the serious relationships, ever but i wish i did knew what or how. i do make mistakes here and there with choices with men.. maybe i dont know how or want to do the chasings even if a guy is not interested or something like that but i am sometimes happy with single life being independent and well-collected with my own privacy. but i do sometimes wish i had a experiences to learn to enjoy and stuff with a partner and to love a man. it would be nice to have a companionship in my life/experience.