How Long Are You Willing To Wait In Line To Vote?

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May 20, 2003
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How Long Are You Willing To Wait In Line To Vote?

Yesterday, CNN's Jack Cafferty asked viewers how long they'd be willing to wait in line to vote.

· My whole day is devoted to this one moment in history, i never want to look back and regret that i was not involved in one of the most important moments in United States history.

· Considering that there are some that wait ....and sometimes fight a lifetime for the opportunity to vote, I will wait happily for as long as it takes to vote for my chosen candidate. I urge everyone to do the same!

· You take your pick: A few hours, or a few years. I’ll be voting tomorrow. Guaranteed.

· Even though I’m 9 and 1/2 months pregnant and Obama will win California with or without my vote, I’ll wait in line as long as it takes. This election is too important to miss, and I don’t care how long and uncomfortable the wait is - I’m voting. It would be a lot more uncomfortable for me to sit by for the next four years knowing that I let my voice go unheard.

· I think if the veterans can do 3 one year tours of duty in Iraq, I can wait on line 24 hours if it will help get them home.

· I am prepared and willing to wait all day. I have cleared my calendar to make sure I can spend the whole day. And the time I don’t spend waiting or voting, I will spend poll watching and holding signs. This is far too important not to make a personal sacrifice to make sure my vote counts. And, as an Army wife, one day of work loss is meaningless compared to the days my husband has and will spend on deployment. To all within the sound of your voice: Get out and vote!
I wasn't able to take advantage of absentee voting, so I will be one of the people who is standing in line today. I'll wait for however long it takes. This is a historical election and I want my vote to count!
I wasn't able to take advantage of absentee voting, so I will be one of the people who is standing in line today. I'll wait for however long it takes. This is a historical election and I want my vote to count!

Well....better get in line.
I came in vote at high school in my hometown at 6:30 a.m. It took me only 15 mintues to vote. Go Barack Obama !! :D
Well....better get in line.

Unfortunately, my sister won't be able to drive me to the polling place until later this evening -- I'm guessing around 6 o'clock. The polling place is located only 2 blocks away from my home, but navigating the lines in a large high school gymnasium is difficult when you can't see -- not to mention how disorienting the noise can be. Hopefully my sister can take me earlier this afternoon, but that will depend on what time she's able to get off from work...
Wait Times for Voting Today?

Thought it would be interesting to see how long people waited in line to vote today. My polling place opened at 7am. Went there at 6:45am. Finished at 8am!

So 1 hour wait + 15 minutes waiting for the polls to open for me.
I had NO wait in line today! I was thrilled, my ex-husband still lives nearby so we both had to vote at the same place. He was there about an hour before me, and he texted me telling me there was a good-sized line. But when I got there, NOOOO line !! yay !!
Unfortunately, my sister won't be able to drive me to the polling place until later this evening -- I'm guessing around 6 o'clock. The polling place is located only 2 blocks away from my home, but navigating the lines in a large high school gymnasium is difficult when you can't see -- not to mention how disorienting the noise can be. Hopefully my sister can take me earlier this afternoon, but that will depend on what time she's able to get off from work...

why not ask a poll volunteer to help you? i'm very sure you will be placed first in the line :cool2:
I'm wait for almost 2 hours to got voted.
why not ask a poll volunteer to help you? i'm very sure you will be placed first in the line :cool2:

Trouble is, I have to navigate the line before I'm able to find a poll volunteer. The poll volunteers are usually located behind tables in the high school gymnasium. Then again, I could ask another person to help me through the line until I'm able to reach a poll volunteer. Since I want to make sure that I'm able to vote in this election, I think I'll go by myself. I don't want to risk the chance of my sister getting home late from work and not being able to take me. :(
Hear Again, when I got there, there were 2 volunteers right at the door asking whether you were already registered to vote or if you still needed to register. I assume most places have the same scenario, so if you can find those volunteers they can probably direct you to the right place immediately. And not have to find the ones behind the tables.
I'd wait all day if it meant getting Obama into the White house
Hear Again, when I got there, there were 2 volunteers right at the door asking whether you were already registered to vote or if you still needed to register. I assume most places have the same scenario, so if you can find those volunteers they can probably direct you to the right place immediately. And not have to find the ones behind the tables.

Of course...I forgot about that. Thanks, AlleyCat! :) I'm going to get ready and go by myself. I'll come back and report after I've finished voting.
of course...i forgot about that. Thanks, alleycat! :) i'm going to get ready and go by myself. I'll come back and report after i've finished voting.

good luck!!
Good thing I voted EARLY 2 weeks ago. I hate to imagine what the line would be at the Farragut Middle School (Precinct 65 Concord/Farragut) today.
23 minutes total today. My mom voted early and ended up waiting 3.5 hours! Go figure..
I ran into one of my friends who is helping at the polls. He told me this:

The wait is approximately 15-30 minutes with 2 polling machines and the most people we've so far in this town waiting..... is 40 people in line! :giggle:
I just returned from voting and only had to wait 15 minutes before placing my vote.
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