How is your weather today??

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I grew up from Chicago. Remember? And yes I have Chicago weather on my iPhone too.

Right now -20° at 7:38 am. Whoa.

Yep, I do. That -20 is down there, and I live on the North Side, close to the lake, where the temps are milder, but still bone-chilling cold. It's now -3 at 7:42 AM.
It's 0 now, and I gotta go buy some drinks. Thankfully, not 1 mile from home-- just a block to a block and a half from my home-- not too far away. :) I am very thirsty after a long sleep, and that's what 20+ hours will do to a person.
Now 3 degrees, and going up. Today is supposed to be 14, so might get out and do a little bit of stuff.
Today the high will be 80... However, it will be raining all friggin day... Of course, what a surprise! :roll:
From where I'm sitting at my kitchen table, I glanced over at the thermometer to check the temperature. I thought it said "88" degrees. Then, I realized it was 8.8 degrees. Goes to show the importance of that decimal point!
Warm and sunshine around 70 degrees later this afternoon .

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It is 36 degrees [in Fahrenheit] over here. It is supposed to reach a high of 61 degrees today.

Spring....spring....are thou around the corner yet? :)
We're in the midst of an ice storm that started last night and continues today. Schools are closed, and people are warned to stay off the roads. I had to cancel a medical lab appointment today (which I had fasted for; pooh!). We have tree limbs, large and small, falling in our yard, and neighbors' yards. We're going to have a lot of clean up to do. TCS had to chip ice off our heat pump which was freezing up. The lights flickered a couple times, but so far we have electricity.
From where I'm sitting at my kitchen table, I glanced over at the thermometer to check the temperature. I thought it said "88" degrees. Then, I realized it was 8.8 degrees. Goes to show the importance of that decimal point!

We're in the midst of an ice storm that started last night and continues today. Schools are closed, and people are warned to stay off the roads. I had to cancel a medical lab appointment today (which I had fasted for; pooh!). We have tree limbs, large and small, falling in our yard, and neighbors' yards. We're going to have a lot of clean up to do. TCS had to chip ice off our heat pump which was freezing up. The lights flickered a couple times, but so far we have electricity.

My sister, (in North Carolina) emailed and talked about the sleet and ice...she is "pissed" too....Wants to come visit me...but our weather here is cold and rainy, overcast......I'm singing "I Got the Blues"....
Here in Ohio its sunny and cold. I however don't care we have been living without a furnace in our house. Yes all through this -neg degree weather and today for the first time heat is pouring out of air ducts. I can wear a shirt without fingerless gloves a flannel and a sweater.. I am in paradise.
Yeah, but imperial valley is usually hotter than any other part in CA.
Yeah, but imperial valley is usually hotter than any other part in CA.

WOW that is hot. We are going to be 67 degrees here and NO rain.

Not too many people on AD I can say this too, BUT stay COOL.
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