How do you pronounce crayon?


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Oct 10, 2011
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Just curious how everyone pronounces "crayon"

Hubby says it like "crown" I say it like "cray-on"

Funny because we both have lived in the USA a long time. I was raised with a lot of Irish accents around. He was an army brat so lived all over the world.
Not sure how anybody gets crown for crayon.....
Early childhood years he lived in Germany. Not sure if this is the reason. I remember his mom calling them "crown" too. Maybe it was a brand or something?

I get a good laugh about it because my parents have a really strong Irish accent.
For me, I pronounced Cra yon. It is like the sound Beyond. Your husband has a dialect of pronouncing what his mother speak for crayon. If he is determined to learn English pronouncement, then he can learn how to pronounce the way English people in USA do. No one is perfect trying to pronounce especially hearing people. :)

Edit: I look up the dictionary what Reba provided for Ask questions.

The dictionary said "Kra on". I guess I might have mispronounce that word Cra yon. :hmm:
This has just been a funny thing with us. Nothing serious at all. I think now that I'm deaf a lot of words sound so different. My whole life my parents said the number "three" as "tree" and my mom still does.
This has just been a funny thing with us. Nothing serious at all. I think now that I'm deaf a lot of words sound so different. My whole life my parents said the number "three" as "tree" and my mom still does.

I grew up watching "As the World Turns" and "Guiding Light." I used to call them "soap boppers" until I saw my mother's Opera record and thought....hummmm....maybe it's "soap opera?" By the time I figured it out they were off the air a few years I guess now it doesn't matter what they were called....
I grew up watching "As the World Turns" and "Guiding Light." I used to call them "soap boppers" until I saw my mother's Opera record and thought....hummmm....maybe it's "soap opera?" By the time I figured it out they were off the air a few years I guess now it doesn't matter what they were called....

Ahhhh that is a cute story.
Yesterday I sat in traffic for two hours. I found a Christmas CD in the car. OMG it was so awful. Nothing sounds even remotely like I remember. Sounds like wolves howling.
Actually, I do remember at times saying it like "cray-yen." Is this a regional thing, a deaf thing or a regional deaf thing? :eek3:
Yeah it's def a regional accent thing....cray on here
Lol. Sorry I meant say. But I guess I pronounce it in Spanish. But yes...most of my crayons broke.