How do you pay for your hearing aids?


New Member
Sep 4, 2008
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Hello all :wave:, I am a newbie here but I have been hoh since I was five years old. I am 36 now. I am in the middle of trying out some new hearing aids. I am thinking of getting the Sumo hearing aids. I have always had to pay out of pocket for my aids but they are getting more and more expensive. It runs me about $4000 to purchase my aids. I guess my question is do you all have to pay out of pocket for your aids or are there any special programs or things that help you out? I live in California if that makes any difference.
Thanks in advance!
I always pay. I want no government interference in my life. I save savings bonds to be ready when they are needed.
Vocational Rehab paid for my Phonak Supero hearing aid. My previous hearing aids were paid by my family (parents, grandparents). Was going to write out a check for Phonak's Naida (parents and relatives pitched in and gave me some money to help pay for it) but I decided I didn't care for the Naida enough so I returned it.
Vocational Rehab paid for my Phonak Supero hearing aid. My previous hearing aids were paid by my family (parents, grandparents). Was going to write out a check for Phonak's Naida (parents and relatives pitched in and gave me some money to help pay for it) but I decided I didn't care for the Naida enough so I returned it.

i have my first appointment with voc rehab next week- what was your experience like? did it take a long time to get your ha's?


dripfeed to the hospital, govt pay for half and I pay off the rest
The state (Texas or Louisiana) always paid for mine. Also, sometimes medical insurance pays for hearing aids or for some service to hearing aids.
I used my benefits for work for some and a program called Assistive Devices Program in Ontario. After all that there was still a lil chunk that I paid for myself
Got my boyfriend, now fiance, to pay for it...he never even asked me to pay him back now that it's obsolete since I have CIs.

Lions Club or Elk's Lodge in your area sometimes have a budget, and they may be willing to help pay a little.