How Do You Feel Today?

One word...tired. :zzz: I didn't get any sleep last night due to my allergies. I'm leaving in a few minutes to pick up 2 meds my GP prescribed, so I'm hoping they will bring me some relief. <crossing fingers>
One word...tired. :zzz: I didn't get any sleep last night due to my allergies. I'm leaving in a few minutes to pick up 2 meds my GP prescribed, so I'm hoping they will bring me some relief. <crossing fingers>

<crossing fingers> for you too! Sorry, as said I've had 3 awful and terrible days!!!! :(
<crossing fingers> for you too! Sorry, as said I've had 3 awful and terrible days!!!! :(

:ty: Jamie.

I'm also sorry that you've had a difficult 3 days. :hug: I know you are normally very upbeat and cheerful, so when I read your post and saw how you were feeling, I knew something was wrong. :( I hope things improve for you soon.

As for myself, I'm irritable today because of how miserable I feel. I haven't taken my prescribed meds yet since I want to wait until bedtime so I can get some sleep. I have an important appointment tomorrow that I want to be well rested for.
Sick. Puking up blood. Fever. Aches and pains, especially in the lower abdomen area. Dizzy. Passed out a couple of times.
I had a good day today. I took my DD to her first swimming lesson and she did great. She took to the instructor and the water just fine. She didn't want to wait her turn she just wanted to learn to swim. She is looking forward to tomorrows lesson and that's good!
I am finally feeling back to my normal self after a week of feeling very very down about a lot of things. I just decided to start thinking positively and hope everything will work out. If they dont, I just have to remember that I still have my health, family, and my job...that's a lot more than some people have now.

I am feeling good today after a good workout and a good day with my coworkers after bickering with them for a while. The last week or so has been practically unbearable at work with people's crappy attitudes but today everyone seemed to ease up with picking on each other and back to their old selves. Tmw is the LAST day!! We all need a break big time.

I'm glad you're feeling better today. :)

I'm feeling better myself. My neighbor took me to the drugstore for my nasal spray and inhaler. I took both an hour ago, fell asleep for 15 minutes and am no longer congested, sneezing or coughing. :D

Now it's time to celebrate with a small bowl of ice cream. :)
:ty: Jamie.

I'm also sorry that you've had a difficult 3 days. :hug: I know you are normally very upbeat and cheerful, so when I read your post and saw how you were feeling, I knew something was wrong. :( I hope things improve for you soon.

As for myself, I'm irritable today because of how miserable I feel. I haven't taken my prescribed meds yet since I want to wait until bedtime so I can get some sleep. I have an important appointment tomorrow that I want to be well rested for.

Thanks Lisa. I think it's one of the worst weekends in years!!! I could write a book about it :D I'll PM you

@ deafbajangal: you should go see a doc ASAP - that doesn't sound good at all!!!!!!
Thanks Lisa. I think it's one of the worst weekends in years!!! I could write a book about it :D I'll PM you

@ deafbajangal: you should go see a doc ASAP - that doesn't sound good at all!!!!!!

I'm sorry about your weekend Jamie. :hug: I'll check my PM and respond as soon as I can.

As for myself, I'm in shock after something I read. I'm dumbfounded, but at the same time, what I read gives me a better understanding of something in particular that I've had alot of questions about.

I feel alot better in terms of my allergies, so my 2 new meds are working well.
I'm knackered from work. Gonna hit the sack soon.
I am extremely angry at the staff due to their poor responsiblity and performance at the group home. I have to be firm with them to writing up the notes for not do anything paperwork or house chore. They become more hate me because I am strict for the client's sake. It is their homes.

I cant be soft heart anymore, they miss my old Kalista.
I feel like a SHIT. I just called in sick. I feel like I got hit by swine flu last nite when I got home from work. uuuugggghhhhhhhh..............

Oh No !! That is YOU !!! Jiro !!!