How Do You Feel Today?

:ty: Puyo. :hug:

I plan to call my GP on Monday to be put on a different allergy med.

In the meantime, I'm hoping someone can give me some helpful suggestions in my thread under the Health forum.

do feel better! :wave:

I'm afraid I can't be of any help to offer any suggestion because I do not have any kind of allergy.
do feel better! :wave:

I'm afraid I can't be of any help to offer any suggestion because I do not have any kind of allergy.

:ty: Jiro. :)

I've decided to stop at Walgreen's tomorrow to pick up some Zyrtec and a humidifier (since I have a dry cough, dry throat and headache as part of my allergy symptoms). I forgot that it's available OTC. I used to take Zyrtec 2 years ago when it was prescription only and it worked great for me.

Thanks again! :wave:
Yeah I know the feeling, I have been sneeze, itch my nose all day, breath thru mouth so I will use nasal spray for my allergy.

I'm sorry you're suffering jazzy. :(

Allergies can certainly make you feel awful. I've tried using allergy sprays in the past, but they don't seem to help me for whatever reason. I do much better with oral meds.
I feel sad today because my best and old friend from high school passed away two weeks ago and I found out other day. I wish I could have gone and visited her before she passed but she lived in other state.

I'm sorry jazzy. :hug:
bored and cranky as usual but hell.. I can't wait for my bday to come so I can feel better... I don't know what the weekend will do for me.. :P
A little bit tired and not quite ready yet to start the day... I need my cup of coffee RIGHT NOW :mad2: LOL
I'm still wide awake. This makes my 5th night in a row without any sleep. My allergies are continuing to bother me as well. :mad2: I can't wait for 7am to arrive so I can go to the drugstore.
Why can't you make coffee right now?

LOL... I did... I just needed to move my butt off the couch <giggle>

:ty: for the hug. <hugs back>

I tried taking a nap yesterday afternoon to calm down, but I couldn't fall asleep. :mad2:

The most important is for you not to drive yourself too crazy about not falling asleep. That's what I had about three weeks ago from now! At least, lay down, try to clear your mind. I know that's difficult when all you want to do is fall asleep.

I love to lay down and try to relax while listening/feeling my own heart beat! Feel your regular breathing. And I also imagine myself being in a prairie with flowers, soft sunshing floating over my body and nothing else... oh and soft air breeze...

It works with me. Of course it's not the same as SLEEPING but still... it makes me feel good. <shrug> I'm trying to do the best I can to help you here...
I'm feeling quite tired and looking forward to the week ahead. I have realised in these past few weeks that I actually like going to college better than I like placement hehe. I love going to see my friends and having general fun with them in college. I have just been sorting out my summer plans and I am still awaiting another plan to be confirmed! I so cannot wait!!
How's everybody :wave:

Also I'm feeling a bit annoyed because I still have tons of work to do left. :(
Be worth it when it's all done
I'm feeling so tired, I gonna work later in the afternoon, first I gonna do all the laundry, so that I don't have to do them on Sunday. :fingersx:
I am feeling happy to hang out with my girlfriends tonight and drink frozen pina colada all night..if only the weather wasnt like March weather. :mad:
Yesterday, i was bit calm at dentist with my wife and then during my treatment as i was in lot of pain when trying to pull two teeth out at the same time my heart was beating so hard and then shook all up pretty badly afterwards but in a few hours later i was in calm and good moody! Is that weird feeling when that happens to you? On the 3rd of June, we were at different dentist that day and they were already cancelled on my wife's appointment without letting us know and was told us that their policy has been changed due to Medi-Cal is no longer accepted there and then told us to go different dental place that makes us so pissing off :madfawk:that day cuz of our :asshole: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did signing the bill passed law that on July 1st, 2009 for 21 yrs and older Medi-Cal patient will not be accepting any dental place in a few months ago!!!! :mad: and Arnold seems ":gives:" on poor people who are on Medi-Cal/Medi-Care - Sheesh!!!! So that shows that Arnold is really NAZI bastard!!! (pardon my language and name calling on him)
Yesterday, i was bit calm at dentist with my wife and then during my treatment as i was in lot of pain when trying to pull two teeth out at the same time my heart was beating so hard and then shook all up pretty badly afterwards but in a few hours later i was in calm and good moody! Is that weird feeling when that happens to you? On the 3rd of June, we were at different dentist that day and they were already cancelled on my wife's appointment without letting us know and was told us that their policy has been changed due to Medi-Cal is no longer accepted there and then told us to go different dental place that makes us so pissing off :madfawk:that day cuz of our :asshole: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger did signing the bill passed law that on July 1st, 2009 for 21 yrs and older Medi-Cal patient will not be accepting any dental place in a few months ago!!!! :mad: and Arnold seems ":gives:" on poor people who are on Medi-Cal/Medi-Care - Sheesh!!!! So that shows that Arnold is really NAZI bastard!!! (pardon my language and name calling on him)
I am done angry at him and people who voted for him in first place. Now they paid big price and I do not feel for them cuz we already suffer for last 6 years and still at it. I am sorry about dentist problem. Do u have any idea how much I paid for my dentist work last year. I paid about $2500.00 and also I paid $1200.00 for my son( he does not have any health or dentist insurance even he has a full time job) and this year I will get a bill from dentist, probably other $2,000.00 for my husband's teeth. My two insurances from my job are suck. I understand how u feel about this. I watched on geography on TV about mummies, the one from Egypt, Queen ( forgot her name) I learned something she died from abcess infection in her tooth area. I did not know infected tooth can kill people if it was being left untreated.
I'm still wide awake. This makes my 5th night in a row without any sleep. My allergies are continuing to bother me as well. :mad2: I can't wait for 7am to arrive so I can go to the drugstore.
Does full moon effect you as it have with me.
Does full moon effect you as it have with me.

Whether it's a full moon or not, there must be something in the air that is affecting me.

Having said that, I'm pleased to report that I'm feeling much better today.

I went to the drugstore this morning and picked up some Claritin D to help my congestion as well as Vicks to help me breathe. I had coughing fits during my walk because the weather is cooler today, but at least the wind helped remove alot of the pollen that was in the air yesterday after my apartment manager mowed the lawn. I have the windows open in the living room. I'm cold, but at least I'm no longer sneezing or coughing as much as I was yesterday. :)
Does full moon effect you as it have with me.


I have manic episodes due to my bipolar and they make it impossible for me to sleep. Since I haven't slept for 5 days, I think I'm having a manic episode, but I feel better now that I've taken Claritin D and Vicks earlier as well as one of my meds which helps calm me down.