How do you do with cereal

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
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Pour milk into the bowl first and then pour cereal into the bowl second.


Pour cereal into the bowl first and then pour milk into it second?

care to tell? so do tell! :giggle:

BTW ( i cant find the poll :o )
Cereal first then pour the milk then wait until the cereal become soak and leave some flavour on the milk.
First get a bowl, then fill my favorite cereal (I rarely eat them anyway), and last is milk! :)
i got so annoyed when my dh poured the milk first and then cereal second. thats why i made the thread to see how many any of you do the same thing as i do. LOL
I always do the cereal first before the milk. If I do it the other way, I often end up with too much milk left over. ;)
I always put the cereal in the bowl first and then pour the desired amount of milk in it. If I put too much milk in it, That is when the cereal sometimes end up being soggy. If I put less milk in it, The cereal isn't just as good as it is. :)
I pour cereal in my bowl. Then pour 1/2 of bowl worth of cereal then keep chowing and fill up with cereal until Milk runs out.

That how much serving I eat when i eat Cereals. Easily 5-8 serving. My wife screams when I do that but I always say never waste the milk! Grins.
:giggle: I did put milk in first then put in cereal before, I thought it was all backwards lol. Most of the time I put in cereal then pour in milk. :)
i've always poured cereal into the bowl first, followed by the milk.

I pour the milk on top the cereal

First cereal then milk last ;)

First cereal then pour milk.

First get a bowl, then fill my favorite cereal (I rarely eat them anyway), and last is milk! :)

cereal then milk

I always do the cereal first before the milk. If I do it the other way, I often end up with too much milk left over. ;)

I always put the cereal in the bowl first and then pour the desired amount of milk in it. If I put too much milk in it, That is when the cereal sometimes end up being soggy. If I put less milk in it, The cereal isn't just as good as it is. :)

I do the same. When I want fruit on my cereal, I'll add the cereal, then fruit and then, I'll pour the milk. I absolutely HATE soggy cereal.
i don't think the sogginess of cereal matters no matter whether you add the cereal first or the milk first because after you spoon the cereal, it's going to get soggy anyways.