How do you control your "dark moods" when you're PMS'ing?

I don't get mood swings though I certainly get crampy before I come down with the monthlies.
i doubt i have hormone imbalance.. but i will check with my doctor. i just took a pain reliever pill and it's starting to help the cramps. i'm considering going on the pill, maybe it will be help with the symptoms associated with PMS

My niece take the pills for the mood swings and it help her. That is what I meant about seeing a doctor but I did not want to say as it not my place to tell people to take meds
i noticed that lately-every time before i get my period, i get really moody, bitchy, depressed, etc. i have never felt this way before

what do you do to combat these nasty effects of PMS?

I never had PMS until after I had my children. I've learned there isn't much one can do about it except avoid caffeine, eat some chocolate, avoid sugar, eat well, get enough sleep and avoid anyone who tends to get on your nerves during PMS. I always give my sons a heads-up when I have PMS and they leave me alone. Fortunately, PMS never lasts for more than 2 days maximum and it's usually just one really bad day of clenched jaws, teeth gritting. People do appreciate the warning beforehand so they know not to take it personally if you're grumpy.
exercise. Nothing mellows you out like weight training while pissed off
premenstrual dysmorphic disorder

I was going to mention this but it's been done :)

PMDD is very real, very serious and hardly anyone know about this.
ladies who experience severe mood swings before period may in fact have not PMS but

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder - PubMed Health

and it should be treated. there is no reason to feel this way.

Chocolate helps, because it contains Magnesium. Try supplements and see if it helps, too.
