How did you learn to drive vs. driving record


Retired Terp
Premium Member
Jun 8, 2004
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Having two grandsons who will soon be learning how to drive, I got to thinking about driving lessons.

I've seen the threads about getting pulled over and access to driving schools.
What I would like to know is the correlation between the way people learn to drive, and their driving record (tickets and accidents).

Please tell:

1. How you learned to drive.

2. How many years have you been driving.

3. What kind of driving record you have (number of tickets and accidents).

I'll start. I learned how to drive a stick-shift 1/2-ton Navy truck on an abandoned air field. Then, I bought a used VW Beetle (60's style) convertible and drove that with my learner's permit until I could take my permanent driver's license test.

I've had my license since 1973, and have been in four accidents, and gotten no tickets.
I learned to drive starting with driving an automatic car in a parking lot when I got my permit. My mom was my instructor...I started out in parking lots and then gradually built up to residental roads, to busy roads and then finally the highway.

My uncle (whom I mentioned in the other thread) believed I should learn how to drive a stick shift so he let me learn it using his Porche. I was terrified but got the hang of it. I hated it and preferred automatic because I felt so nervous with a stick.

When I got my first truck, it was a stick so I had to really learn how to use it and got comfortable with it after a few months.

Never been in a car accident that was my fault and only got one ticket for unsafe lane change about 20 years ago. Since then, no tickets.
Since I don't live in America but for the hell of it, I'd be good to share anyway

I learnt to drive starting with automatic, my mother (and sometimes my father) was the instructor, driving my brother's (he owns it now) 1993 Ford Falcon s.wagon, it was a scary ride for them to start with, but it got better later on, until I got my provisional licence (which means I am allowed to drive solo for three years before obtaining full drivers license)

However, after one year driving solo on automatic, I started to learn and practice on shift stick (manual) with my father, I learnt to drive in stick in 3 months, was a fast learner then in 2007 I switched my full time driving from automatic to stick shift, and been driving stick shift ever since.

Been driving for 7 years (actually 7 years today :shock:) .. been in two car accidents and got one speeding ticket. Have my full licence since 2007 but since been licensed since 2003.
When I was 17 I got my learners permit and started driving my mom around whenever I could. I was driving an automatic. The day I turned 18 I went up and took the driving test cause I no longer needed to take a driving class. I was short on money so I had to wait till I became an adult. I then bought a manual and taught myself how to drive a stick.

Driving for 12 years now

2 speeding tickets from my "racing" days. I know, stupid of me

1 wreck were I half fell asleep at the wheel. I was working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week at a temp job and going to interviews after work. At the time of the wreck I had been up for close to 70 hours.
Wirelessly posted (via Blackberry Bold 9700.)

1. How you learned to drive.
When I was in high school, I enrolled to do Driving education at 16 years old for 10 weeks of learning road codes and practice on written tests. Once pass the final written test then arrange a Driving school, where I learned to drive in automatic car. Also sometime on the weekends, learned to drive parent's car (it was V6 pickup Ford truck - gosh to powerful to learn to drive in that truck) on quiet streets with parent supervising.

2. How many years have you been driving.
I've learned drive at 16 years old, so I have been driving for 14 years.

3. What kind of driving record you have (number of tickets and accidents).
Currently no record of tickets or accident.
Thanks guys for all the input. :ty:
Please tell:

1. How you learned to drive.

2. How many years have you been driving.

3. What kind of driving record you have (number of tickets and accidents).

I'll start. I learned how to drive a stick-shift 1/2-ton Navy truck on an abandoned air field. Then, I bought a used VW Beetle (60's style) convertible and drove that with my learner's permit until I could take my permanent driver's license test.

I've had my license since 1973, and have been in four accidents, and gotten no tickets.

1. Learned to drive from driver's ed offered in high school and drove the hand me down in the family. I drove with various figures, from father, uncle, older friend.
2. Legally, a little over 11 years of driving
3. 0 collision accidents. 2 "minor" tickets.

0 collision accidents:
I say this because of the little things like hitting stationary objects or small bumps with little or no visible damage in packed places like SF, LA, Santa Monica, OC, SD, etc where you might accidentally nick a tree or parking meter trying to get in cramped spots due to the metro lifestyle. (lots of cars)

2 "minor" tickets:
Tickets were about 5 or 6 years apart.
Both CHP officers trying to meet their weekly ticket quota and I was the unlucky one..

(CA) 22350vc - Business Industrial street that goes downhill which is a 35 zone, but it's easy to go 45 or higher due to the mountain slope. 45 zone is right after the stop light. Everyone is used to it since it is a commute road, just pure bad luck I got chose out of the pack (red car).

(CA) 22349vc - 75 in 65 on highway. I was actually going ~70, but I saw the CHP officer lane changing and cutting until he got behind me in the fastest lane. Seeing him almost tailgate behind for a minute made me think, ok, 'he wants to pass'. So I went up to 75 and as soon as I did that, red and blue. Was a new/young officer.

That's the last time I decided to play nice with the police. Ever since that one I go mostly at imposed speed limits since then.
I took the drivers ed class in high school, the road work was in an auto but I learned how to drive a stick in an old beat up ford escort station wagon my mom used to own and used to haul off trash with in the school parking lot/driveway. I did teach my niece and nephew how to drive in an auto and a stick and ive got the white hair to prove it. Also took a class and got my North Carolina state certification as an emergency vehicle driver 10 years ago.

I've been driving 20 years.

No tickets at all and 1 wreck in 1993 when I went around a curve and a car was stopped dead in the center of the road with no lights or signals on. Did $1200 worth of damage to my truck but no one got hurt but a sign post that i hit when my truck fish tailed off road.
Having two grandsons who will soon be learning how to drive, I got to thinking about driving lessons.

I've seen the threads about getting pulled over and access to driving schools.
What I would like to know is the correlation between the way people learn to drive, and their driving record (tickets and accidents).

Please tell:

1. How you learned to drive.

2. How many years have you been driving.

3. What kind of driving record you have (number of tickets and accidents).

I'll start. I learned how to drive a stick-shift 1/2-ton Navy truck on an abandoned air field. Then, I bought a used VW Beetle (60's style) convertible and drove that with my learner's permit until I could take my permanent driver's license test.

I've had my license since 1973, and have been in four accidents, and gotten no tickets.

1. driver ed and my dad
2. since 1998
3. pretty bad in the past cuz I was a speed demon with handful of speeding tickets - mostly on NJ Turnpike. I don't speed in town cuz it's dang reckless and stupid. I grew out of it several years ago. My latest tickets - just 2 motorcycle-related tickets for lane splitting and no inspection sticker (currently contesting it) in NYC.
Probably not, PFH....I took drivers training in school at 15....up in the mountains of N.C.....those winding roads!....the school car was an automatic, and when I got out of school that year, I and my sister *TOOK* my brother-in-law's new Chevy Impala, 5 speed for a "joy ride" late at night when they all were sleeping!.....Tore up the transmission....I didn't know how to get it out of 1st gear!....OH BOY!
Probably not, PFH....I took drivers training in school at 15....up in the mountains of N.C.....those winding roads!....the school car was an automatic, and when I got out of school that year, I and my sister *TOOK* my brother-in-law's new Chevy Impala, 5 speed for a "joy ride" late at night when they all were sleeping!.....Tore up the transmission....I didn't know how to get it out of 1st gear!....OH BOY!

Gotta love the curvy roads! Have you ever heard of Collettsville, NC???
I learned to drive on a farm during summers as a kid. Got my license at 16...

Pulled over many many times. Almost always on the highway. Rarely get tickets and when I do they are usually dropped.

I have been in alot of wrecks as well. Mostly just fender benders. Only 1 at fault accident. People seem to run into me alot.
I've been driving since I was 10 years old out on the farm, although not officially on the road long distance per se, but when I do get on the road, it's to get into another parcel of land being leased to us for us to farm on by folks too old to farm on it anymore. I drove pick-up trucks and tractors for over half of my life until my grandparents both died and the farm land sold.

I sure miss the was a second home to me.

Gotta love the curvy roads! Have you ever heard of Collettsville, NC???

Nope....might have went thru it if it's close to Morganton...I do remmy Drexel, Glen Alpine, Hickory....too long ago it seems....
Nope....might have went thru it if it's close to Morganton...I do remmy Drexel, Glen Alpine, Hickory....too long ago it seems....

Let me think, you know where hickory and morganton are so im sure you know where lenoir is, take abington road in lenoir to the end(10 minutes or so) and turn left and go 2 minutes and thats downtown collettsville. back in the middle of no where. that was where i grew up. i lived in morganton for ages too put in over 15 years at a volunteer fire dept in burke county.
Having two grandsons who will soon be learning how to drive, I got to thinking about driving lessons.

I've seen the threads about getting pulled over and access to driving schools.
What I would like to know is the correlation between the way people learn to drive, and their driving record (tickets and accidents).

Please tell:

1. How you learned to drive.

2. How many years have you been driving.

3. What kind of driving record you have (number of tickets and accidents).

I'll start. I learned how to drive a stick-shift 1/2-ton Navy truck on an abandoned air field. Then, I bought a used VW Beetle (60's style) convertible and drove that with my learner's permit until I could take my permanent driver's license test.

I've had my license since 1973, and have been in four accidents, and gotten no tickets.

1. I took a driving course in highschool to get a cheaper insurance rate. My dad lost patience with me after two hours of trying to teach me how to drive a stick pickup truck, that he brought me a automatic. After that, my parents probably spent 10 hours with me in new (used) car. When it came time to take the test, they signed the sheet saying that I drove 50 hours with them. I passed no problem.

2. I've been driving since I was 16. I'm 23.

3. No tickets. I've been in one accident. I got into the accident in an attempt to avoid the accident in front of me. No damage to my car was done, I slipped on the same ice that the 2 cars in front of me slipped on.
1. Learn manual shift without use clutch with my sister who drive when I was 13.
2. Learn to actual to drive with manual shift and use clutch, instruct by my brother, I was 15.
3. Learn from Drive Education via interpreter, that bitch. Yeah, I was 15, also.
4. During Drive ED, Old fart bitching me how to drive with crap auto-shift
5. Got my license as I turn 16. yay!

Speed Ticket? 5
Accident? 7 (2 unofficial, not from report with police)
sex in car? several time, althrough, I can't count that much.

I guess I have been drive since 17 years under legal permit.

1st manual shift - Toyota Corella 87
1st auto-shift - Honda Accord 85
1. My dad and older brother. Never took a driving course.

2. I carry my license for about 14 years. I was late to get my drivers license, because I lived in one of the largest cities in the world, and the transportation was everywhere.

3. None
I learned how to drive by driving a stick shift car in a parking lot with either my mom or dad. It was loads of fun! I got license when driving an automatic car.