How cold is too cold........

ok, I'll look for him.

so we have another with a dog named Zeus:)

Angel asked me to post this picture of Marley in her winter gear. :)
I have a pure bred Boxer and I live where it gets cold. It has been below zero at night for the last couple of weeks. He has little to no body fat and gets cold pretty easy. He is not out for extended periods of time. The do make paw socks for the sled dogs, but trying to put these on an adult dog that has not worn them before could be a rodeo. I do dry his paws when he comes in. Oddly he loves the snow and will burrow in it, playing. Again, he gets dried off when he comes in and then he is on his pillow by the fire. dogmom said it, watch them, they will show signs of when they are cold.

I was going to buy Marty some doggie boots but they where a pain in the ass to try and put on him. And looked he so funny trying to walk with the boots on.
I was going to buy Marty some doggie boots but they where a pain in the ass to try and put on him. And looked he so funny trying to walk with the boots on.

My Marley loves to get dessed up. Hates bows in her hair though. Funny, hubby won't walk her if she is wearing pink:laugh2:
Boris wears his anorak when it's really cold or snowy! He can hold well in the 50s normal winter temp. But then he walks really quick and plays in the field. He's a jack Russell with no fat!
That's yr dog it's so cute ImageUploadedByAllDeaf1396277857.913927.jpg
That my dog

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I m deaf and little cp
The do make paw socks for the sled dogs, but trying to put these on an adult dog that has not worn them before could be a rodeo.

Best description!
I tried boots when my dog was a puppy. They were returned the very next day due to the rodeo effect. :giggle:

He used to do a handstand walk on his front 2 paws to avoid the snow on his back paws. It was so ridiculous.