How about vegan and gluten free?


Oct 18, 2011
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Is anyone on this board vegan AND gluten free at the same time?

Just hoping for some support. Vegan isn't hard for me. Neither is gluten free, really. But both types of eating at the same time are SUPER hard. It's almost kind of like they contradict each other... either way, it doesn't leave a lot of options available to me. Bah!

I did manage to come up with a really yummy black bean salad taco recipe yesterday that is vegan and gluten free. Hoping I can come up with, or find, more recipes like that.
It's very hard for me, primarily because I can't afford it. The hard part is the gluten part. You just have to try to avoid wheat dishes and make your own.

I float between Low-Fat Cooked Vegan (LFCV) and Low-Fat-Raw-Vegan (LFRV).

Congratulations for going as far as you have.