Homeless Tramp

Cheri said:
That is So True Y..I agree with you.. There are Mothers out there who are homeless too with Children Hiding out from Abusive Relationship.. and is Scared to Go to Shelters because sometimes Abusive Husband or Boyfriend will Find them....

Geez, that's scary to ever imagine any abusive
husband/boyfriend showing up there looking
for mother and kids there. No wonder some
of them do NOT want to go there, sigh.
WaterRats13 said:
Methinks she meant she wanted the details on the incidents -- what exactly eventuated in those incidents where those homeless people got mad at you. I may be wrong, but it may be that...:dunno:

Thank you WaterRats13.....That's exactly why I asked...I never had a problem with homeless people...so I was wondering what made them mad at him....since, I cant read minds.... :laugh2:

Maybe it is because of what ' Y ' had said earlier, they don't want food .. just a place to live...I mean who wants to live outside in cold, rain etc....
If homeless get pissed off cuz some people offer them food instead of money its because they rather have money to get alcohol or dope, period! Thats why when my husband was in Washington, DC, (there are a lot of homeless there) he was approached by a homeless wanting some change, he asked him why he wants money, the bum said..food and so he said fine i will buy you some food, the bum got pissed off and stormed off! see? he wants money to buy whiskey or dope! sheeeesh! thats why i dont feel sorry for the homeless, that is, just some of them not all of them! heh!
yeah, i know that homeless people want money & place, not foods but they also want clothes sometimes.

The beggers around here are forbidden... The police would take them right away to Red Cross (Army Salvation) if they see them...

I feel sorry for them... I give them money sometimes when I see them.

We don´t understand why the people sat on the path to beg for the money which they already received the support from Army Salvation...
Liebling:-))) said:
We don´t understand why the people sat on the path to beg for the money which they already received the support from Army Salvation...

Because Army Salvation gave them
VERY Little money not enough especially
high cost of living in the area.. thats why
these homeless people have to
beg for money. Army Salvation did help,
but very little help very little money
very little... along with "too many rules"
thats why Army Salvation
got way too much credit for giving
them too little support.

I would like for Army Salvation to
give more money, and
they should build more houses
for homeless families etc and
Army Salvation should reduce
these "rules" or "restrictions"....

Hmm, I never see Army Salvation
build any house for homeless families.
Liebling:-))) said:
Thank you for the information, Y...

I understand why now...

You're welcome I think Germany is doing
the right thing by transport these homeless
people toward Red Cross etc... I wish
these police here could do something
just like these German police, but
there are no police here
in America doing nothing about
these homeless people on the streets...

Now I do NOT know why didn't America police
do something about it here ...
In Ontario,Canada...
Mostly homeless by cities...
Highest.. Toronto, I've seen so many homeless hanging around the near subway's vent where kept them warm and sleep... Homeless begger for money and foods..

There lot lot of shelters always kept full beds and no way provide more other beds.. I feel sorry about homeless who really wanting beds and shelter.
Also younger homeless too.. Not surprised who teengers ran away from their parents and mostly stayed hostels/salvation Army residence and hostels/Halbaition shelter and many different type of shelters. Toronto city of major still greedy and limit for spacouis shelter building new ones and still refused it.. I can't remember when I did read the article about homeless were parade and strike compaint about need more shelter and place to live.. Pah about the time, Toronto city of major gave it up and gave funding for new building of new low income housing extra expanded more. I have no idea how many building for low incomce housing.

Many different other city likely eg: Ottawa, Toronto, Belleville, Mississauga, and much more there have homeless too.

My hubby and I were not surprised one of man who is homeless habits long walk from Iona to Dutton back forth. We've seen him and take coffee cup and lunch bag and always say Hi any drivers drive by the country road. I did asked the lady who works at food store in small town.. and wonder who that guy? The lady tells me that guy is homeless.. My eyes popped it out.. why he is here ? She told me he loves long way backforth from Iona to Dutton, Ontario.. I told her, he is nuts! She nodded me. Unbelivable.. I asked her again, how he can sleep ?? Mostly He used stayed at wreckage house on hwy 3.. I said oh oh yes yes, I know where one house is history wreckage and have not made demolation yet. That where he sleep there. I told the lady, what about winter?? He sleep in the basement where kept warm.. In my mind, where is fireplace??? *sheesh*... We are about time to move to ST Thomas from Dutton, and got newspaper.. Whoa.. unbelivable.. The homeless man who did raped the old woman on hwy 3 and wallacetown. The policemen were arrested him, and send to Chatham have him stay there for pyscho hosptail centre. So far, My hubby and I were drove on hwy 3 that where homeless man always long walk backforth but not there so far...
*oh well*, Pretty tough depend on major of city who willing grant or not for funding to have build new shelter homes or low income housing wha..ever..
^Angel^ said:
Thank you WaterRats13.....That's exactly why I asked...I never had a problem with homeless people...so I was wondering what made them mad at him....since, I cant read minds.... :laugh2:

Maybe it is because of what ' Y ' had said earlier, they don't want food .. just a place to live...I mean who wants to live outside in cold, rain etc....

Sorry ^Angel^ it wasn't clear what you wanted to know. If you had asked "What happened?" then I would have understood better.

I don't know why, but I just give them like leftovers from restaurants or fast food and they just insist to have money instead of food. My assumption is that they might be pretending to be homeless just to get money, but who knows. :shrug:
kuifje75 said:
I just give them like leftovers from restaurants or fast food and they just insist to have money instead of food. My assumption is that they might be pretending to be homeless just to get money, but who knows. :shrug:
Ditto. I prefer to give them the leftovers or some fast foods instead of money because I know they will spend on alcohol if there is any opportunity for them to do so.

I know one deaf NY guy who picked on one of homeless guy and few deaf gals who hanged out with him think it is funny thing to do. I guess cruelity is common nowaday.
It is not funny about picking on homeless people, I agree!

Also, I agree, have more control of where your money goes to... buy homeless people some food, if you're afraid of the money being used for crack or something. It's their problem if they turn it down because of pride or some reason.

Levonian.. woo.. that's really.. different, about the people living in the fields and the one about the guy not needing to pay his wife another income... LOL!! I guess this does remind us about being too bogged down by society...

I just wish the homeless problem is handled more wisely in USA and other countries... but I also agree that we can't help those who don't want to be helped. Addictions are a big problem in addition to runaway young people and others who prey on them.
I think the reasons homeless people stay homeless are that they can't find a job to earn some cash to live somewhere.
:shock: MOD deleted it please 2 same post!
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Bullym0m said:
In Ontario,Canada...
Mostly homeless by cities...
Highest.. Toronto, I've seen so many homeless hanging around the near subway's vent where kept them warm and sleep... Homeless begger for money and foods..

There lot lot of shelters always kept full beds and no way provide more other beds.. I feel sorry about homeless who really wanting beds and shelter.
Also younger homeless too.. Not surprised who teengers ran away from their parents and mostly stayed hostels/salvation Army residence and hostels/Halbaition shelter and many different type of shelters. Toronto city of major still greedy and limit for spacouis shelter building new ones and still refused it.. I can't remember when I did read the article about homeless were parade and strike compaint about need more shelter and place to live.. Pah about the time, Toronto city of major gave it up and gave funding for new building of new low income housing extra expanded more. I have no idea how many building for low incomce housing.

Many different other city likely eg: Ottawa, Toronto, Belleville, Mississauga, and much more there have homeless too.

My hubby and I were not surprised one of man who is homeless habits long walk from Iona to Dutton back forth. We've seen him and take coffee cup and lunch bag and always say Hi any drivers drive by the country road. I did asked the lady who works at food store in small town.. and wonder who that guy? The lady tells me that guy is homeless.. My eyes popped it out.. why he is here ? She told me he loves long way backforth from Iona to Dutton, Ontario.. I told her, he is nuts! She nodded me. Unbelivable.. I asked her again, how he can sleep ?? Mostly He used stayed at wreckage house on hwy 3.. I said oh oh yes yes, I know where one house is history wreckage and have not made demolation yet. That where he sleep there. I told the lady, what about winter?? He sleep in the basement where kept warm.. In my mind, where is fireplace??? *sheesh*... We are about time to move to ST Thomas from Dutton, and got newspaper.. Whoa.. unbelivable.. The homeless man who did raped the old woman on hwy 3 and wallacetown. The policemen were arrested him, and send to Chatham have him stay there for pyscho hosptail centre. So far, My hubby and I were drove on hwy 3 that where homeless man always long walk backforth but not there so far...
*oh well*, Pretty tough depend on major of city who willing grant or not for funding to have build new shelter homes or low income housing wha..ever..

Maybe this homeless man believed he is better off at mental hospital to keep warm than living on the street in cold and long winter in Canada?
believe it or not, there is actually a very large distinction between the poverty line of financial hardship. About less than 20 percent of the 30-40 low-class individuals live BELOW the poverty line, and simply CANNOT sustain jobs, or income that will appease thier financial burdens. (Figures may be incorrect, but you can get the general idea.) there is an amount of finance that each social class in society CAN aquire, and it all depends on what kind of job you have and what kind of social class you belong to. The homeless on the streets may be those who are below said "line", and can't even support thierselves, much less anyone else.. so they are forced to beg. I mean, who do you think would hire a person off the street, who may have no previous work history, and no formal education? that is one of the main reasons that we have a poverty issue in u.sa. today. peace and respect