Hold a Grudge is a Mental Illness?


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Jun 3, 2007
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One day I went to a doctor's office...
and I filled out form...

And it said under Mental Illness section...

Are you suffering depression?
Do you hold a grudge?
How often do you get jealous?
And other psychological disorder questions.

I didn't know that Holding a Grudge is a sign of Mental Illness.

One day I went to a doctor's office...
and I filled out form...

And it said under Mental Illness section...

Are you suffering depression?
Do you hold a grudge?
How often do you get jealous?
And other psychological disorder questions.

I didn't know that Holding a Grudge is a sign of Mental Illness.


Holding a grudge in and of itself is not a mental illness, but it is a sign of maladjusted behavior. However, in combination with other things, it can be a symptom of a more serious mental disorder.
Is this true, Jillio?

Anger may be a cause—as well as a symptom—of depression. Hostility and resentment are a psychological threat to those who are brooding and resentful.

Holding a grudge is particular harmful. "If we hold grudges, we will eventually become clinically depressed" (Frank B. Minirth, M.D. & Paul D. Meier, M.D., Happiness Is a Choice, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 1996, p. 39). Some counselors believe that residual anger can adversely affect the chemical balance of the brain, resulting in impaired mental functioning.

I guess we all have to GET OVER IT, right?

Depression: Ways to Win the Battle > The Good News : July/August 1998
Holding a grudge will make you sick and it is very unhealthy for every individual. There is one man who kept talking about another guy he couldn't get his mind off - been doing this for over 2 years now. I kept telling him to chill out or quit it. I've never seen him talking about good things... meaning that his ways of thinking is still holding a grudge. He did once forgive that guy, but still talking bad things about him. *shaking my head* Gee ... holding a grudge is not that good.

As for psychologists, I have no idea how they could handle to listen all the patients' problems over the years. How could psychologists handle it so well ? Me just wonder ....
I met a psychologist, she counseled prisoners who still hold grudge on
someone they murdered.:eek3:
One day I went to a doctor's office...
and I filled out form...

And it said under Mental Illness section...

Are you suffering depression?
Do you hold a grudge?
How often do you get jealous?
And other psychological disorder questions.

I didn't know that Holding a Grudge is a sign of Mental Illness.

I had one of those odd moments when I went to a doc in the box after a wreck on my bike.. one of the questions said..and I quote! "do you sleep with more then two pillows"? ???
Is this true, Jillio?

Anger may be a cause—as well as a symptom—of depression. Hostility and resentment are a psychological threat to those who are brooding and resentful.

Holding a grudge is particular harmful. "If we hold grudges, we will eventually become clinically depressed" (Frank B. Minirth, M.D. & Paul D. Meier, M.D., Happiness Is a Choice, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 1996, p. 39). Some counselors believe that residual anger can adversely affect the chemical balance of the brain, resulting in impaired mental functioning.

I guess we all have to GET OVER IT, right?

Depression: Ways to Win the Battle > The Good News : July/August 1998

i would know this as I used to hold a grudge against my sons father for long time as he abandoned me ad left me for other lady when i lost my twin sons.. i was depressed for long time... finally somehow i just overcome it and forgived him for what he did to me.. now i felt better and is not holding a grudge against him.. we are good friends for our son TJ's sake... so yes its true....
You are so right. Holding a grudge doesn't hurt the person we are holding grudge against. They just go onwith their life. It only hurts the one that holds the grudge.
Visit Greenspiration! Home about articles on how Paxil is connected to

Murder, and Depression is NOT an illness.

And don't forget about the joke where God's sitting in the shrinks office with you, and he's arguing with the shrink, saying there is NO MENTAL ILLNESS, it's just something doctor's and shrinks have created!

There's three people sitting in the office, a shrink, you and God.
The shrink tells you that you have a mental illness and God's listening in to the conversation, but he says that there's no such thing as a mental illness.

Then the shrink and God are having an argument, because she's right but he's wrong.

Laugh, because this isn't a joke. People are everyday labelled with a mental illness, and others label them and stigmatize them, and the label is not real but the shrinks tell you it is!
Visit Greenspiration! Home about articles on how Paxil is connected to

Murder, and Depression is NOT an illness.

And don't forget about the joke where God's sitting in the shrinks office with you, and he's arguing with the shrink, saying there is NO MENTAL ILLNESS, it's just something doctor's and shrinks have created!

There's three people sitting in the office, a shrink, you and God.
The shrink tells you that you have a mental illness and God's listening in to the conversation, but he says that there's no such thing as a mental illness.

Then the shrink and God are having an argument, because she's right but he's wrong.

Laugh, because this isn't a joke. People are everyday labelled with a mental illness, and others label them and stigmatize them, and the label is not real but the shrinks tell you it is!

So, you are saying that mental illness does not exist?
NO, we make it exist, and we create it to exist!

It can be wiped out through proper and natural eating, except about a mere 19% probably eat like that in North America, and even then we have pesticides, and chemicals banned from here but not in 3rd World Countries, where it's used in the food they make, the clothes they make which are sent here, and it goes into the sky which also travels over North America!
Don't believe it? Read some books by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz! or visit: Hollywood and Horowitz

We create it!, it's never been something God created for us to have naturally!

And it's not just eating, it's cleaning all the energies within our body, (if you died for example, left your body, saw the light and family members and came back - you'd be different right)? WHY?

Because you'd understand things better, and see things in a way you'd never looked at them before!

For much of North America, people rely on shrinks to tell them how they are mentally, etc., instead of just BEING who they are, and we're sort of blindsided by the fact that we've been "taught" to believe that shrinks have the answers, instead of going within and knowing ourselves.

So many people have illnesses, diseases, sickness, are unbalanced, etc because of the stress of eveyday life, and having anxiety and depression and mental illness is the top problems of our world. Look at anybody whose ever shot with a gun in high schools, and post offices! And find out what the drugs were that affected them, 100% of them were affected by those mind drugs, anti-depressents.

Don't believe me? Take a look at the articles at Christian inspirational handmade cards with famous biblical verses.

And other times if like my family, the parents constantly criticize you and bejudge you, #1, they believe in the doctor's instead of the harmony of the family, and #2, they can't forgive themselves for something they've done in a past life, or past lives and they are taking it out on you.

I don't have all the answers, and I'am not perfect, but I have survived death 15-25 times from the Prescription Drug Biaxin for pneumonia (all because of air pollution, the heat, and too many toxins in the body)........
so, yeah I think I have very strong opinions, because I'm trying to wake people up!
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NO, we make it exist, and we create it to exist!

It can be wiped out through proper and natural eating, except about a mere 19% probably eat like that in North America, and even then we have pesticides, and chemicals banned from here but not in 3rd World Countries, where it's used in the food they make, the clothes they make which are sent here, and it goes into the sky which also travels over North America!
Don't believe it? Read some books by Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz! or visit: Hollywood and Horowitz

We create it!, it's never been something God created for us to have naturally!

And it's not just eating, it's cleaning all the energies within our body, (if you died for example, left your body, saw the light and family members and came back - you'd be different right)? WHY?

Because you'd understand things better, and see things in a way you'd never looked at them before!

For much of North America, people rely on shrinks to tell them how they are mentally, etc., instead of just BEING who they are, and we're sort of blindsided by the fact that we've been "taught" to believe that shrinks have the answers, instead of going within and knowing ourselves.

So many people have illnesses, diseases, sickness, are unbalanced, etc because of the stress of eveyday life, and having anxiety and depression and mental illness is the top problems of our world. Look at anybody whose ever shot with a gun in high schools, and post offices! And find out what the drugs were that affected them, 100% of them were affected by those mind drugs, anti-depressents.

Don't believe me? Take a look at the articles at Christian inspirational handmade cards with famous biblical verses.

And other times if like my family, the parents constantly criticize you and bejudge you, #1, they believe in the doctor's instead of the harmony of the family, and #2, they can't forgive themselves for something they've done in a past life, or past lives and they are taking it out on you.

I don't have all the answers, and I'am not perfect, but I have survived death 15-25 times from the Prescription Drug Biaxin for pneumonia (all because of air pollution, the heat, and too many toxins in the body)........
so, yeah I think I have very strong opinions, because I'm trying to wake people up!

You know, if that's what you want to believe for yourself, that's fine, but you are spreading some very dangerous and very innacurrate information that has the potential to do great harm to others.

If Biaxin almost killed you once, why would you take it another 24 times? Doesn't make sense to me.

Many, many genetic links to the predisposition to not only various mental illnesses, but to many physical illnesses, as well. These cannot be corrected through diet.

And your encouraging others to not take antibiotics could very well result in someone's death from following your advise. If you aren't a physician, you have no business giving out medical advise.
I met a psychologist, she counseled prisoners who still hold grudge on
someone they murdered.:eek3:

As if murdering them wasn't enough. It's people like that who need to stay just right where they are now.
Jillio, Jillio, Jillio,

I never wanted to go to the hospital, I never got the chance to speak with the doctor when he gave my mother the prescription for the drug.

The doctor told her it was the best drug to kill the pneumonia infection, so that what my mother told me!

After the 2nd pill, I started to get really sick.

Went BACK to the hospital 4 days later, told the doctor everything I was feeling, he told me to "KEEP TAKING THE DRUG, NO MATTER WHAT, to get rid of the infection.

Before going back to that hospital, I read the Clinical Drug Trials - it killed 2 out of 696 people, 53% stopped taking Biaxin due to headaches, vomitting and nausea!

Went to my homeopathic doctor the NEXT day, on homeopathic remedies, another doctor told me to stop taking the antibiotic, I should never have been given such a large dosage, and it affects some people the same way it affects me.

I only took the pill for 41/2 days, was "SUPPOSED" to take it for 10 days.

I almost died 15-25 times, and survived drinking vinegar, throwing up, drinking water with bits of baking soda, putting herbs all over myself, breathing in herbs in the car to get my Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C, and seaweed for snacks......

You obviously have misread my thread about the warning of Biaxin!

Those affected by the drug, are not dead because of pneumonia or bronchitis, and the Drug Company is FULLY aware of this, but they market it as such a great great product, and it DOES help many people.

But we also have superbugs, so some taking it all the time, may be affected in the future.

And if your affected, Western Doctors do not have ANY ANSWERS to help you.

read, and re-read until you understand this!

I did not purposely harm myself!

Page 44 of Steve H. Liptons book "The Biology of Beliefs", states:
ANTIBIOTICS ARE INDISCRIMINATE KILLERS, because they destroy the very bacteria we need to survive.

Did I know this before? HELL NO!

Did I know Drug Companies put large amounts of Al and Mercury and shit into these antibiotics which affect people in so many different various ways? HELL NO!

Do you think I spent over $800 to recover (and I don't work) for pills that cost $91 bucks?

The biggest problem with our health system is that people are blindsided by the fact that "they should be in control of their health, with the help of doctor's WHO DO NO HARM!"

And people (because of the monopoly of the Health System in North America) don't really have the freedom to choose to be informed about their health problems in various different ways.

The Naturopathic Doctor has 4 more years of education than an M.D.!!, and in Toronto they get a 80,000 dollar credit loan for enrolling in the school (after they have an MD, or PhD degree) for opening their own clinic, or for books or whatever.

You HAVE a choice, you HAVE a choice to be blindsided as well. Or like I used to be, believe in both Eastern and Western Doctors.

I will always still see my family doctor when needed, but I will undoubtedly NEVER take a drug again, unless half my body is ripped off by a car - which won't happen anyway!

And read the articles at Greenspiration! Home (unless you don't like being educated)!
All drugs ahve side effects, and there are always people who will have allergic reactions to some family of antibiotics. You seem to forget that more people die of pnemonia every year than from toxic reactions to medications prescribed to destroy the infection. I am allergic to penicillin, but I certainly would never tell someone who needed it, and was not allergic to it, not to take the medication their doctor prescribed. Infections can be, and are lethal.
If someone is allergic to penicillin, I think they might know, or it would be found out right away.

Those with pneumonia 40 years ago, used to have the family doctor come to their house and give them penicillin everyday for 10 days.

Now they don't give penicillin for those with pneumonia. I kept asking for it!
I was asking 3 different doctors for penicillin instead of the damn drug I took for just 41/2 days!

Started to finally recover 5 days later, but it still might take my body months to recover!
I'am well okay now, but still a bit of chest pain, and bad (but better healthier) cough, a little phlegm, and all the old toxins from Paxil, old anti-biotics - even anti-biotics from the meats in the stores, etc........

Your starting to get it a little bit!

Those who die of pneumonia are not recorded in the health system's information as dying of the drug if they did not die in the hospital! And even IF they did go back to the hospital and were having horrendous effects from a drug for pneumonia what would the hospital do anyway?

If I could clear my lungs, and get all my energy back slowly from August 12th, and doing this using products that give my body the energy and nutrients it needs to build my body AND destroy the infection, why is that so hard for doctors to share with their patients?
Health does not happen instantly, your body has to recover on it's own time!, like a finger cut which depends on how deep it in, and whether you infect it or whether you take good care of it!
If someone is allergic to penicillin, I think they might know, or it would be found out right away.

Those with pneumonia 40 years ago, used to have the family doctor come to their house and give them penicillin everyday for 10 days.

Now they don't give penicillin for those with pneumonia. I kept asking for it!
I was asking 3 different doctors for penicillin instead of the damn drug I took for just 41/2 days!

Started to finally recover 5 days later, but it still might take by body months to recover!

Your starting to get it a little bit!

Those who die of pneumonia are not recorded in the health system's information as dying of the drug if they did not die in the hospital! And even IF they did go back to the hospital and were having horrendous effects from a drug for pneumonia what would the hospital do anyway?

If they were having life threatening side effects from the drug, the hospital would give them medication to stop the reaction. They would then change the antibiotic administered.

Side effects to antibiotics are bothersome for nearly all who take them. But a few days of upset stomach and diarrhea is much preferable to dying from a systemic infection.

And you are incorrect about the statistics and the way the information is kept. If someone dies of an allergic reaction to a drug, it is listed on the death certificate as "anaphylaxis" whether they died at home or died in the hospital. Rections that are severe enough to cause death happen instanteously with the first dose. Dying of pneumonia, however is a long and painful death in which one literally drowns in the fluids in the lungs.
Holding a grudge is never a good thing to do. Some people hold a good grudge for a good reasons denpending on the situations. But sometimes letting go of grudge is better than holding a grudge that makes you unhappy. I would rather let it go than hold a grudge. But we all got our reasons. :)