HOH what should i do


Mar 12, 2013
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I work at a club and met a guy who I here along with which is rear since my separation. at first I didn't tell him I was hard of hearing since I read lips and I'm oral. now that I told him it seems like he is challenging my hearing to see if I really can't hear him. I try to explain that not ever HOH or deaf person is the same and we all hear differently but he isn't getting it. it's really frustrating and I don't no what to do.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android
Try to talk about it in a guy way. Tell---- "I'm hard of hearing which means I may not hear a car with turbocharged engine VROOMing by. You'll have to tell me what every engines sounds. I like turbo charged engine and am sad that I'm having a hard time hearing them. Fill me in. Show me your love"
dereksbicycles said:
Try to talk about it in a guy way. Tell---- "I'm hard of hearing which means I may not hear a car with turbocharged engine VROOMing by. You'll have to tell me what every engines sounds. I like turbo charged engine and am sad that I'm having a hard time hearing them. Fill me in. Show me your love"

Thanks for the advice I normal just turn to my right side so then I can't really hear him. my family is the same way so I don't talk much.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android
I totally understand your frustration my partner as I will call her tests to me looker this all the time yes it's very frustrating to be challenged everyday. if you ever need to vent feel free to message me.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android
Sounds like an idiot to be honest. Those kinds of people irritate me. Anyway, just tell him what's on your mind. If it bothers you let him know.
Jerlene said:
Sounds like an idiot to be honest. Those kinds of people irritate me. Anyway, just tell him what's on your mind. If it bothers you let him know.

I think I want to have him wear ear plugs for a whole day so he can be in my position.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android
I work at a club and met a guy who I here along with which is rear since my separation. at first I didn't tell him I was hard of hearing since I read lips and I'm oral. now that I told him it seems like he is challenging my hearing to see if I really can't hear him. I try to explain that not ever HOH or deaf person is the same and we all hear differently but he isn't getting it. it's really frustrating and I don't no what to do.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android
DUMP his ass and run !!! Im in that situation now and I should have walked away at the first sign of ignorance!
I wouldn't date him. If he makes fun of you or testing you...I wouldn't date him. I'll tell him get a life and find someone else if you can't accept. I have been with my for almost 5 years, sometimes if I had made mistakes on my language, he would tell me I am saying this wrong, fix it. He helps me improve my language much more. And, no he doesn't sign....very much :-/ lol