HOH mom looking for others like me.

He properly means that 99% of the people in the world, do not sign. Simply going to post a parcel would be harder if you only used ASL. Yes people can lipread or write thing down for you but again its much harder.

I have found that people who only sign, are more isolated from the hearing world. Another argument would be, why can't hearing people learn to sign?! But then hearing people's argument would be, why can't deaf people who have residual hearing or CI just learn to hear and not use ASL all the time?!
On the other hand, just b/c someone can speak or use their residual hearing, it doesn't mean they have more access to the hearing world. Oral only kids say they don't feel like they fit into the hearing world...
oral only kids report being isolated in the hearing world as well.....
That was my line of thinking LOL. Plus, after about an hour or so they really start itching and I can't stand it anymore and have to take them out for awhile. I just get so annoyed when my friends yell at me to put my hearing aids in so they can talk to me. Why not just learn ASL? In fact, the other day I was in a foul mood and yelled back "LEARN ASL!" I have two friends learning ASL. One is doing okay with it. The other wants to sign SEE style and it's really disconcerting to me. But I try b/c she is trying too.

There argument will properly be, why can't you just wear your hearing aids?! That's what I found!
On the other hand, just b/c someone can speak or use their residual hearing, it doesn't mean they have more access to the hearing world. Oral only kids say they don't feel like they fit into the hearing world...
oral only kids report being isolated in the hearing world as well.....

What I was trying to say is, if you are able to lipread and sign and use whatever hearing you have left, you would have fuller access to things. You don't have to speak well to be able to use whatever hearing you have left, lipread and sign.

I will properly only get one word in every sentence or a part of a word in every sentence but with the help of lipreading, I can get by with people who don't sign.