HOH Introduction


New Member
Nov 13, 2013
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I'm in the LA area and learning ASL. Due to a lot of different reasons I'm not learning it as fast as I wish I were but I really do love the language. Regrettably I'm pretty slow and very rough in my signing. After reading some pretty harsh stories from HOH and hearing people in regards to their signing I'm definitely a bit intimated to even try until I have much better skills. With that said, I'm also new to hearing aides which almost always seems to itch...I'm adjusting to life that is radically different.
I'm new at it as well, if you would like to practice with me I would love to help you.
Maybe you're allergies to your earmolds and should try to get some hypoallergenic earmolds. Silicone ear molds are hypoallergenic . Your HA should not be itchy .
Don't be afraid to try just because some people are a** muffins. The more you practice, the faster and better you will get. :)