HoH dad of 4 month old not hearing daughter. Here for the new road we will be on.


New Member
Feb 13, 2013
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Hi my name is Kyle and I am hard of hearing, moderate to severe in both right and left ears. I will wear hearing aids but not all the time as a work in a very noisy environment. I have two daughters my oldest is two and a half and is hearing my second is four months old and was born deaf. her left ear is severe to profound and her right ear has some hearing and tomorrow we go for a BEAR test. I joined this community because being new parents to a completely deaf child is scary. My hearing loss has never caused me to have to learn sign language but I see that changing and have been playing around with baby signs with my 2 and a half year old. I guess I'm here to make friends and have people to talk to at as we begin this new adventure. I look forward to being here and getting to know some of you.

Posted from Alldeaf.com App for Android
Don't worry. It's not that bad and you have some options. See how the hearing tests go and take things one step at a time.

Welcome. I just joined recently too as my 3 year old has been exhibiting signs of hearing loss since around December (very sudden). We are taking her tomorrow for a sedated ABR test- I'll be thinking of your family while we are going through similar things tomorrow. I am sure you are ready to have some solid answers and a direction to move in, just like I am. Alldeaf has been a good place to get information and support for me, I am sure it will be the same for you!
Welcome!!!! Contact Michgan School for the Deaf
Michigan School for the Deaf
They will be able to hook you up with local services......
They offer speech therapy as well.....I know that tends to be a concern with parents....I know an orally skilled girl who transferred there and is THRIVING there.
I'm not sure if Michagan is Sign friendly. ...they do seem to have a lot of Oral Deaf programs. But yes, demand she get both ASL and speech......hopefully since she has some hearing, she will do OK with hearing aids.