Hmm. What's up with that?

sorry...this is what I was doing for the last 20 seconds...




Actually it means you may not post for 20 seconds BETWEEN each post.

It means you post one, then wait 20 seconds, then post the next post.

Not 20 seconds between each member's posts!!

For example, I post here once (RIGHT NOW) - then I want to post again in this thread... I have to wait 20 seconds - which means I can type in a new post which will take up 20 seconds - gives me time to think of what I want to say, how to word it, how to dress up an insult, how to compliment someone, etc., etc...

BTW, I have already done 21,000 KSPH per hour, and have topped out at 180 wpm - thanks to my job here at WGI. FYI, and those two are still increasing -haven't reached my limit yet, even with arthritis in my right hand.

Now I gotta go on to the next post... which I can post in 20 seconds.
DreamDeaf said:
sorry...this is what I was doing for the last 20 seconds...




Actually it means you may not post for 20 seconds BETWEEN each post.

It means you post one, then wait 20 seconds, then post the next post.

Not 20 seconds between each member's posts!!

Now I gotta go on to the next post... which I can post in 20 seconds.

DD, did you forgot to post next 20 seconds?
VamPyroX said:
My typing speed is at least 100 WPM.

The entire time I've been here in AllDeaf, I've only been stopped for posting less than 20 seconds than my previous post was once. That was because I had 3 windows open and 3 replies ready to be submitted. Each could be clicked 2 seconds apart. However, think of the time it took me to open the windows... read the posts... type up my replies... and then have all 3 windows ready. If I had typed up and submitted one post, then moved on to my next reply... then 20 seconds would have been good.

If you forgot to add something in your post, that's what the edit button is for. ;)

Dok-ey!! :D
Oh Geeze, Complain about 20 seconds per post? What a lamest complain I've ever heard. I agree with most members here who replied. Well said, members. ;)
Roadrunner said:
I can see that you didn't bother to 'add' the part about my being apologetic in my PM to you, also, that thread you indicated was cleaned up and reopened...just have to remember not just 'mods' only, we all have lives to live, things we tend to get busy with on a daily basis.

As for 'others' not liking me, that goes with the's just like the President of the United States, does everyone like him?'s just the same, no difference, but the difference here is that I strive to do my very best and only desire to get along with everyone in the best, civil manner possible. ;)

As for complaints, it's best to use the PM feature here in AD rather than out in the open forum, threads/posts aren't closed due to embarrassment, etc., but more of maintaining the vital interests of AD and for its members, certain personal issues are best to be done in where it's best handled at: In PM

If you're going to leave...there's the door, no one's stopping you, but we'd hate to see you leave, yet, if you do, good luck in all your endeavors. Take care!

As for what Vamp and others have stated here in this thread, it all makes logical hopefully you'll utilize that sense accordingly. ;)

Lastly, I'm going to 'echo' a sentiment that's constantly bellowed out by one of our own mods: "Let fools be fools"


It's cool. I don't know that I got pmed from you.
hmm why PM?
diehardbiker65 said:
I think this is the lamest complaint I ever heard in AD! 20 seconds, for you as 60 wpm and it would need 20 words to type by the time 20 seconds has passed, oh by the way subtract about 5 seconds for reloading, so you'd really have about 15 seconds left... I'd RME at you!!!
I don't mean to sound brown nosed with all Mods, BUT I agree with all Mod's decision.

Oh, shut up...

You are obviously nothing with AD and words aren't matters.
CyberRed said:

Twenty ( 20 ) seconds is not that bad. It's better than crackin' your screen. It don't kill your computer. Your computer can deal with it better. :)

You are very true American girl. :)
what post? post it again...

As for all this mumbo jumbo between AD and DM, i sorta left before DM became the popular thing that became deviant from AD. So i'm out of loop for that but some people have been updating me on the past history of AD and DM.

as for the rules. don't know who and which came up with these rules, must be a reasons for them. I heard DM there's not much rules, is that true?
Castleman said:
i wouldnt complain about that 20 sec rule, its just fucking internet.

Yeah I am with you on that. Heck 20 seconds is better than having to wait for one minute or more. Life's short and take the time to get through it than going through it faster.
If 20 seconds is too long, you can use the wasted seconds with your girlfriend. ;)
This is the stupidest and lamest complain over 20 seconds I've ever heard. Where's the patience? People needs time to think over the words etc. 20 seconds does not kill you. I'd not mind waiting a minute or two but I would not complain about it. If it's like 15, 30 mins.. I'd check the mods if there is problem with server etc.
Dear lady and dude.

Should u shut the fuck up? It's all SAME posts already.

Thank you so much,