Hmm. What's up with that?



Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 20 seconds..

What's going on? I am not in mood to wait for 20 seconds. It's waste my time.

Change to back normal please. Thanks.
Why do you need to make another post in less than 20 seconds after your recent post? Trying to be a post whore? ;)

I think 20 seconds is good enough. It's certainly better than one whole minute! ;) sense being in a rush to post in a hurry...afterall, isn't there enough things in this fast paced life we live in? :whistle:

20 seconds is good and like Vamp pointed out, it's much much better than having to wait a whole minute between postings. ;)
The reason why they set it to 20 seconds to prevent server congestion due to too many posts all at once. Please be patient, Neo. ;) 20 seconds isn't long.
i concur pateince is virtue time may feel long to you but with all the internet growing now days the server can crash SO fast so be pateince by the time the 20 seconds are up u ll be posting!
Neo said:
Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every 20 seconds..

What's going on? I am not in mood to wait for 20 seconds. It's waste my time.

Change to back normal please. Thanks.

:jaw: It sounds that you have no good patience, don´t you?

There´re 1 minute waiting in some forums but 20 seconds is only one is HERE. For your information, I do not complaint when they made 1 minute waiting in their forums because I have good patience.
Heeey hey hey what's the rush? 20 seconds is great and helps prevent server congestion!
Wow. I never knew all of you are under 10WPM like no problem. Mine 60WPM.

And why you dont answer my question why switch me to 20 sec per post?

sequoias, What you talk about it? I don't think so. Looks other fourm.

1552 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes

That's it. I am leave now. You did good job. No wonder too many member leave from AD and join to DM in few years ago due rules is too picky.

I see that RR closed my topic and never open for few days and he pmed me and he blah about "life" then why he is in mod in first place? Then delete topic then set me to 20 sec per post?

I noticed few of AD member is not happy with RR. Now I know why.

Mods, you seem to be more sensitive to what we say, if you don't like what any one of us say, you rather delete the thread to avoid embarrassment. RIght?

I am going to save html for this topic and you keep delete this topic then u make more embarrassment I just want us all to be able to have open conversation about anything, without having the MODS watching us carefully and if they don't like one little thing, they go nuts and delete it. what for?
I think this is the lamest complaint I ever heard in AD! 20 seconds, for you as 60 wpm and it would need 20 words to type by the time 20 seconds has passed, oh by the way subtract about 5 seconds for reloading, so you'd really have about 15 seconds left... I'd RME at you!!!
I don't mean to sound brown nosed with all Mods, BUT I agree with all Mod's decision.
Neo wrote:
I noticed few of AD member is not happy with RR. Now I know why.

Stop being bullshitting!
You already "Heard" about RR is bad mod.. Ha Ha.. Very funny.. you forgot other mod who part of this who who ??? Alex, Vampy and RR Three of men are handle this AD.. Why do you care kept constantly pointing finger to RR. Do you have proof anything more point it out to RR ? Tell me bring it over here..

Kept whinging.. Can you quit it.. Accept it..
Why r u here AD ? If you don't like then detour to other forum.. your choice.. ?

Vampy.. I think I disagreed w/you due 20 seconds.. what more.. someone who highest the speed typing than you.. My high speed typing 120 wpm.. how can I repeat if I forgot addy the edit... will blockage for another 20 seconds.. *gasp out of my air*

You should have discussion further w/AD'ers first before go ahead the making confirmation proceed without everyone knowledge.. Seems getting there more tighter tighter ? I'm pointing out of my curouisity.

DHB, I bet you will say that.. Oh Stop GalaxyAngelz whining... Yes.. I do *raise my hand* Sorry.. I have to speak it out.. :D~ smile for me.. pretty please!
Neo said:
Wow. I never knew all of you are under 10WPM like no problem. Mine 60WPM.
Okay, let's do some simple math... ;)

60 WPM is a word per second.

So, it takes you about 20 seconds to type up 20 words. Most of your posts are at least 20 words. Those that are under 20 words were posted about 1 to 5 minutes after your previous post.

Do you still need less than 20 seconds?
GalaxyAngel said:
Vampy.. I think I disagreed w/you due 20 seconds.. what more.. someone who highest the speed typing than you.. My high speed typing 120 wpm.. how can I repeat if I forgot addy the edit... will blockage for another 20 seconds.. *gasp out of my air*
My typing speed is at least 100 WPM.

The entire time I've been here in AllDeaf, I've only been stopped for posting less than 20 seconds than my previous post was once. That was because I had 3 windows open and 3 replies ready to be submitted. Each could be clicked 2 seconds apart. However, think of the time it took me to open the windows... read the posts... type up my replies... and then have all 3 windows ready. If I had typed up and submitted one post, then moved on to my next reply... then 20 seconds would have been good.

If you forgot to add something in your post, that's what the edit button is for. ;)
Neo said:
And why you dont answer my question why switch me to 20 sec per post?

sequoias, What you talk about it? I don't think so. Looks other fourm.

1552 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes

That's it. I am leave now. You did good job. No wonder too many member leave from AD and join to DM in few years ago due rules is too picky.

I see that RR closed my topic and never open for few days and he pmed me and he blah about "life" then why he is in mod in first place? Then delete topic then set me to 20 sec per post?

I noticed few of AD member is not happy with RR. Now I know why.

Mods, you seem to be more sensitive to what we say, if you don't like what any one of us say, you rather delete the thread to avoid embarrassment. RIght?

I am going to save html for this topic and you keep delete this topic then u make more embarrassment I just want us all to be able to have open conversation about anything, without having the MODS watching us carefully and if they don't like one little thing, they go nuts and delete it. what for?
The best person to talk to about the 20-second limit would be Alex since he's the site admin. So, that could be done in PM.

1552 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes
1552 users posting at the same time has nothing to do with the posting time limit.

Secondly, why compare us with another forum... especially a computer forum?

If you want to leave, that's fine. We would hate to see you go. :(

In regards to Roadrunner closing your topic, did you PM him or another moderator about that issue?

There are a few members who are not happy with me. Well, sorry if they hate me or something. But, we have jobs to do. If you have a problem, it's best to simply PM another mod or the site admin than to go posting in public.

Other threads have been deleted, not only yours. So, you're not being targeted.
Everyone on Alldeaf has the 20 second time to post rule, not only you Neo.

Just to add that.
I can see that you didn't bother to 'add' the part about my being apologetic in my PM to you, also, that thread you indicated was cleaned up and reopened...just have to remember not just 'mods' only, we all have lives to live, things we tend to get busy with on a daily basis.

As for 'others' not liking me, that goes with the's just like the President of the United States, does everyone like him?'s just the same, no difference, but the difference here is that I strive to do my very best and only desire to get along with everyone in the best, civil manner possible. ;)

As for complaints, it's best to use the PM feature here in AD rather than out in the open forum, threads/posts aren't closed due to embarrassment, etc., but more of maintaining the vital interests of AD and for its members, certain personal issues are best to be done in where it's best handled at: In PM

If you're going to leave...there's the door, no one's stopping you, but we'd hate to see you leave, yet, if you do, good luck in all your endeavors. Take care!

As for what Vamp and others have stated here in this thread, it all makes logical hopefully you'll utilize that sense accordingly. ;)

Lastly, I'm going to 'echo' a sentiment that's constantly bellowed out by one of our own mods: "Let fools be fools"

After reading some of the "hot-headed" posts in other threads, I think some ADers need more than 20 seconds to re-think some of their words before clicking the "submit" button.

So much better than having to eat those words later. :D
sighs sheesh
STOP bashing about 20 seconds and stop complaining about AD policies

i don't care about 20 seconds jeez

Twenty ( 20 ) seconds is not that bad. It's better than crackin' your screen. It don't kill your computer. Your computer can deal with it better. :)
Someone is complaining about having only 20 seconds? Geez! :ugh2:

BTW, all of the AD moderators do rock and so does! :thumb:
Neo you must be kidding me? :ugh:

I'm sorry but I have to agree with Reba here, I do believe it should be more than 20 seconds also because for one thing when a thread gets heaten up and feelings do get into the way of whatever the issue may be about, sometimes some people posted only words of anger instead of approaching things in a better light and I think if we were to have more than 20 seconds to give us some time to cool down and re-think first before clicking on the "submit" button and it would have protect a thread from getting out of control and no one would have taken this to the heart ( meaning no one's feelings would have been hurt in any threads ).... :dunno:

That's just my opinion here nothing more... :)

Neo said:
I noticed few of AD member is not happy with RR. Now I know why.

Wellll, not everyone will like or get along with others here ( even in real life too ) and of course there always going to be some people who complains about something and sometimes it may not go their way as moderators can not please everyone here...we all have our shares of unhappiness and I know I do, but the only way to deal with this is to learn to let it go and move on, that's life and we all have our good and bad days ya know....

And I would like to add one more thing here, I've noticed that not everyone is going to agree with the moderators' or the owners' decision, but we do have to show our respect and listen by doing what we are told to do since it's Alex's forum not yours or mine....It does turns me off when I see some members create a thread regarding a moderator or what they've done etc or doesn't deserves to be one, I don't understand the reason for posting this in the public forum for everyone to view this, sounds to me you were trying to get others to gang up on this moderator, and that's not a nice thing to do.....I don't understand why is it so hard to use a PM?... I suppose I will never know the REAL reason behind this...:shaking my head: