Hiya Everybody !


New Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Dearest Friends :

Just dropping in after along absence to say hi.
You all are in my thoughts, heart and prayers.
Hope everybody is well ..Been busy as usual and concentrating along with my job as a police officer, I've been laying foundations for my next career -when I retire from law enforcement. I've been working part-time as a news correspondent and photographer for the Hammond Daily Star . (local daily newspaper)
(Hammond Daily Star Online - Front)
A year ago, I had written a story about an incredible man named Anthony Murphy..who was born both deaf and blind and was a master upholsterer. He specialized in antiques and most of his work was museum quality. Can you just imagine not being able to see the fabric to line up the seams ?! He did everything by feeling it. It was awesome to see him work and to see the effort and pride he poured into everything he did.
His story was fascinating and what an attitude and a sense of humor!!!
He told me as he signed into my hands, he met his wife at Mardi Gras and fell in love with her at first sight...
Mardi Gras is an overwhelming event for sighted folks ..Much less , finding your life's partner and true love there.
Anyhoo, I find the people that inspire me to continue my tasks (most of them are very difficult) each and everyday. Working in journalism helps me share their stories with all of us. That's kinda kool....
I enjoy writing and taking pictures of other peoples lives. Everyone has a story... I am so fascinated by the strength in people.
Retirement is on the horizon for me and the next chapter will hopefully be in journalism and it'll be as much fun as everything else I do .
Katrina is still biting us.... Gustav and Ike didn't help . So many are still suffering from all three of these clamities. Gustav and Ike didn't hit us too hard..our hearts go out to the folks in Galveston. We know and understand their torment.
The family is fine and we are looking forward to Christmas. The Sheriff's Office here and the Hammond Star join forces to collect money and toys for a large amount of our population ( Katrina created a larger population of need) through a program called Santa Bear.
Only our son's and their families will be around, they are close. Probably our Missouri kids (daughter, husband and kids) won't be able to come because they just came for our family reunion last weekend...Check out "the Meyer Family" on google and you'll see our grandchildren are musical like their grandfather. These young children play gospel and bluegrass. My husband Lloyd Cambre just got home from a tour in Texas. He plays drums for one of New Orleans' great classical jazz pianist named Ronnie Kole. Look up Ronnie Kole on google, too.
All and all, we are doing fine and just getting through the daily challenges like everyone else.
Please do continue to be sensational.....As Thanksgiving nears , I want you to know your comments on this site boost me up on difficult days.
I am so thankful, we are not alone in our efforts. We struggle to overcome barriors set before us togetherand unified we can be successful.
So many of you are my heroes and it is because of all the obstacles we share ...we need to remain faithful to ourselves, one another and to support whatever it takes to create a heightened productivity within and throughout our culture.
Whew, now y'all know why I only write once in a million years...
I get too wordy when I do visit.
Love to you all and if I don't get to come back and visit soon...
Happy Thanksgiving, dearest friends ! Susie