Hit and Run!


New Member
Mar 22, 2009
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It was about 10:00 p.m. and I was driving my sister's 99' galant car in Hartford,CT. I was driving on left lane while one stupid prick was driving a older car with no headlights on right lane. He was about 8 cars lenth behind me on right lane while I am on left lane. The road became little curve to the right so the prick must be so drunk that he floored the gas and didn't really do curve turn so he just was driving all over the road and hitted the passgner side of the galant. 2 doors on passnger side are scrapped and totaled. I stopped right away and putted hazard light on. I saw the prick opened his door just putted one of his leg out of the car with hand on his head acting like "OH SHIT" looking down the ground like he is doomed. He closed the door and then he tried to drive away. I followed him to red light and got his license plate number. He floored the gas and ran over the red light so I didn't want to chase him. I turned around and went back near the accident scene and parked on parking lot. I had to text my mom to tell her that I am not hurt and to call the police for me. It took the police almost 2 hours to finally arrive and do something about this! I was angry about this! I was sitting in the car thinking about what if my mom told the police that I am deaf that the cops are more like ingore me for 2 hours b/c I am deaf. Hartford sucks!:rl: :mad2:
Easy to undy ur feelings!!...Glad you got his license plate number....Surely, I would file a complaint. Maybe the ADA will pick it up!..We have and had so many problems with the police here in Jacksonville, Florida! And finally the Dept. of Justice got involved!...We've received: "We're sorry" and all that!...

Anyhow, this guy probably don't have any insurance, probably was drinking and driving, etc. You might wind up "holding the bag"!
what's there to file a complaint about? it's because the cops were just busy with high priority emergency calls. Your life isn't in any danger, right?
I'm sorry that had happened to you, NismoS14. I'm glad that you're okay. Did you asked the officers why they were two hours late?
Maybe, your mom received your message like 20 minutes later. Then, she might have called the cop which might be a little bit longer than she expected.
I really don't know.

Which area that you saw that happened in Hartford?