High School Relationship Advise!


New Member
Aug 5, 2011
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Hi, so I am new here. I found this site while looking up deaf/hearing relationships. I am starting 10th grade this year. I have like 2 major questions to ask of you guys today. Well, I have never found a interest in hearing guys. I am a hearing girl but I usually direct my interests of men towards deaf men. I know sign language fluently and my first question is, is there any other hearing girl out there that feels that way. I think hearing guys are just shallow all the deaf guys that are my friends are really down to earth and understand me. So, my next question is.. do you guys think the relationship will last? I have been raised in a community with many deaf people. So I am very familiar with their culture. Any advise? What do you think is my best choice.
Hi, so I am new here. I found this site while looking up deaf/hearing relationships. I am starting 10th grade this year. I have like 2 major questions to ask of you guys today. Well, I have never found a interest in hearing guys. I am a hearing girl but I usually direct my interests of men towards deaf men. I know sign language fluently and my first question is, is there any other hearing girl out there that feels that way. I think hearing guys are just shallow all the deaf guys that are my friends are really down to earth and understand me. So, my next question is.. do you guys think the relationship will last? I have been raised in a community with many deaf people. So I am very familiar with their culture. Any advise? What do you think is my best choice.

Did you watched Switched at Birth?
It seems that you feel more comfortable as a Deaf person in the Deaf community so you gravitate towards Deaf men. How did you get involved with Deaf culture?
And, Deaf culture has always amazed me since I was 6 years old. I grew up with a few deaf kids in my classes so I decided to learn more about the culture and learn their language
It seems that you feel more comfortable as a Deaf person in the Deaf community so you gravitate towards Deaf men. How did you get involved with Deaf culture?

She said she is hearing. I have often wondered why some hearing people are drawn to deaf people and what are their reasons behind that.
Note: Not all deaf guys are the same way...deaf people varies just like hearing people.
I'm doing the same thing! I was always interested and now I'm learning ASL. Although, I'm not interested in relationships yet sooo... My advice is to not shoot down hearing guys and become picky because you never know, right? Go to some Deaf events, meet new people and have fun! You're only in high school once to just enjoy it!
Why is a 10th grader concerned about relationships with "men" anyway? Good grief!

Just enjoy your high school years without getting too serious about any relationships.
She said she is hearing. I have often wondered why some hearing people are drawn to deaf people and what are their reasons behind that.

I was saying that it seems like she identifies herself as culturally Deaf rather than as a hearing person.
Why is a 10th grader concerned about relationships with "men" anyway? Good grief!

Just enjoy your high school years without getting too serious about any relationships.

She said "guys" and it is a normal development stage for people that age to become interested in others more than just friends. Like testing who they are in relationships.