Hi =)

vivid colour

New Member
Dec 21, 2009
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:wave:My name is Allen. I am deaf.

I have a strange history: I was born hearing and became deaf for a year when I was in kindergarten. The doctor had no idea why. Then I suddenly got my hearing back. However, I became unilaterally deaf in high school due to an allergic reaction to a medication. I'm slowly loosing the rest of my hearing due to an illness.

I went to CSUN for the first two years of college before moving back home to San Francisco. I don't have many deaf friends here... unfortunately most of my hearing friends are signing impaired so I have to speak.:blah:

I joined all deaf because I want to meet deaf from my area. I also want to meet deaf blind since I recently found out that I'm at high risk for blindness. (I've lost a little of my peripheral vision already.) I've been depressed about it on and off since I found out. I think because I don't know any deaf blind and so I feel alone and anxious.
Hello and welcome aboard, Allen! :wave:
"signing impaired" hehehe. I like that.

Welcome to the board!
Welcome! You have quite a story, thank you for sharing.

I'm from California as well and I often use words such as "colour, favourite, savour, etc" thanks to all the old fashioned books that I enjoy reading ;)

Hope to see you posting in AD!
Welcome! You have quite a story, thank you for sharing.

I'm from California as well and I often use words such as "colour, favourite, savour, etc" thanks to all the old fashioned books that I enjoy reading ;)

Hope to see you posting in AD!

I enjoy old English books too, but I wonder why he uses it that way. It was not ever American that I know.

By the way, should you come to Iowa, I can usually be seen roaming the malls on alternate Tuesdays.(so you can look at a Deaf/blind person) It isn't hard to be . The thought of transition is worse than the actual event.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. We do have a word "colour" here in Canada and also UK (England). It is still being used today, so not in USA. So I assume that vivid Colour might have came from Canada. :dunno2: But anyway, vivid colour, I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. :wave:
Don't be anxious. I am in that group and am still up and walking around having fun.

You can adjust. You can be tough and vicious and make people fear you too! :angel:

By the way, if you are from California, why did you spell color in the English way?

Lastly someone may have already told you,, but check this thread.


I know I can adjust. I'm well adjusted to being deaf. I don't really miss being hearing. I do okay in both Deaf and hearing world, though hearing sometimes think I'm ignoring them. It's the possibility of becoming blind that bothers me. Though I was the last person to notice that I've lost some of my vision so perhaps I won't even really notice.

I'm from the US. I spell "colour" that way because that is the way I learned how to spell it as a child. I didn't realize we don't spell it that way until high school when a teacher marked me off on a paper. I asked her to correct her mistake and we got into an argument about whether it was right or not. At that point it was a habit and I was too lazy to change it... thought I did do an essay on the history of colour theory just to piss her off.