

New Member
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score
I'm new to here and want say hi.
I love watch the movies, reading books and mangas, and love eat pumpkin pie. Honest with you, I love smell of sweet homemade pumpkin pie. I went crazy for it yeah... Im bit werido. lol I love watch anime but not lot of them, most time I will reading mangas or on internet. I enjoying watch humor, action, and drama movies. Scary and romance movies will be allright if story/plot is intresting. Also, I'm deaf and live in Alaska. Yup, Alaska freeze place but we have warm weather in summer :P
I have one cat, her name is Ember. She been wild right now >.> I live with my family and other two cats.
Umm... I think this is good enough for now. heh
If you read this, thanks for your time ^.^
Welcome to AllDeaf! :)

I also like watching anime. I have a lot of anime myself. :)
Hello and :welcome: to AD! from the land down under. I like cats, too! Enjoy being with us on this interesting forum. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:

pimmie and ember!