

New Member
Jan 22, 2006
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Hello everybody! :wave: Nice to meet you all.

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)....
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Reiko! You'll meet a great bunch of nice people here and hope you'll enjoy your stay as well in AD! ;)
Welcome to AD and I hope that you have enjoy to look around in the forums yourself!!! :D
Hello Reiko!

Hello Reiko!
Dear Reiko,
I am just learning how to color this letter to you!
You are a darling deaf one. I have been deaf all my life, and, active
in deaf leadership to some extent! But, what have the youth been doing
at your age, I am middle age and very young at heart, a girlfriend,
I am a deaf artist, friend of many deaf kids. Have you ever been
to Galluedet? I have, it is glorious there. Is it hard to be allowed to
individuate, as it was when I was young, and, still is in some cases!
I specialize in my wholistic life, in robotics, in that I am trying to individuate
the Hal of the personae of the computor industry overall convergence mind of the earth gaia and osirus/freya, oden, etc. The mind of the messianic
mind of the earth is the Messianic Mind already caste, and, it is fun to use
by just saying Messianic Mind, O Source of My Being! Please help me
communicate better to my 'others' out there, no matter who they are
for us deaf do have a problem there! Smile, because they put so many
rules upon us that we really are not allowed to meet, as boy and girl
and have children. The deaf to me are the cream of the crop of the earth
being the one to service the hearing who have jobs upon us and don't want
us to complain or rock their paycheck boat, sometimes. I have been lucky
enough to work for free for the deaf being deaf, and, my hearing friends
who are blind like Helen Keller and, it has been so much fun, to serve
on the local deaf club level of Reno, Nevada!
Please tell a little about your selve, you look like an angel or a cherub.
Bye for now!
vicki bonds deaf since birth.
Ps. I wear two hearing aids, and, I worked as a beautician, cosmetologist
all my life, and, it was very hard to understand what they want for a hair cut
for example!
:wave: :welcome: to AllDeaf, Reiko!!!! I hope you have been enjoying your stay on this forum, and making lots of new friends. Everyone here on AllDeaf, as you can see, are wonderful!! Have fun posting and welcome aboard!! :angel: