Hi there From Great Lakes State


New Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Hi everyone,

Just wanted to say hello from the Great Lakes State.
I was surfing around and came across this forum; Never knew it existed and I've been involved with various HOH/Deaf forums for several years.
A bit about me..Born Normal hearing, I am post lingually deaf due to hereditary bilateral progressive nerve deafness. In 2001 I received a cochlear implant. Wow.. What a difference "My Miracle" has made in my life.

Anyhow, I just wanted to introduce myself and hope to be chatting with you all soon.
Once more, from the Great Lakes State of MI. A war, Hello to all.
JustmeJul :fruit:

Thanks so much for the welcome.
What part of MI is your hubby's family from?
Have a great day.

"Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much"
-Helen Keller
G'day Justmejul!

Welcome to AD, and I hope you'll enjoy yourself on this site. ;)

Have fun

Cheers! :wave:
how old is your husband? i was adopted and my birth dad was from holly class of 59...my mom's a mystery....
He's 34. Dunno what Class... I will ask My hubby. how interesting is that?!
i have learned the world is indeed a small place! :shock:
your husband is younger than me, so its is unlikely that he would have known my birth dad. just for the record, my birth dad's name is george william hayes and my birth mom was patricia louise miller :fu:
take care.
Hello Justmejui,

welcome to the alldeaf , Enjoy stay here :D ... I am 27 , f , Ohio

NP, my hubby says his dad is class of 47 or 48. Yep, he was 40 something when his parents had my hubby. His two sis are 48 and 40, my hubby at 34.

I know strange world he lived....
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Hi, welcome to ad i hope you have a great time...
