Hi, please write your "Dear Santa..."

Little Johnny

New Member
Nov 29, 2003
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Wouldn't it be fun to see what everyone writes about when they write to Santa?

I will write one tomorrow. :D
AHH what the heck!

Dear Santa;

All i want for christmas is peace and harmony! thats all there thats in need. i have everything i need right now, but if I MUST list toys or so here's my list

Golf Club, hey guys don't give me that look!
bedding for lilo,
and a nice clothes for me ( work related)


Dear Santa:

Please give javapride everything on her list, especially world peace and harmony.

As for the material things I want, I’ll save you the production and distribution costs and go get them myself.


Dear Santa Clause,

I really want rid snowing permantly...
I'd love to have wonderful christmas presents all from my precouisly children..

Regards Bullym0m~
Dear Santa,

I want u to show up here at my house on christmas eve excatally at noon :) so u can see my son..

then.. get out!! and DIE! we don't need u anymore :P

Best wishes,
Dearest Santa,

I need specific items as of follows:

DVD player
work-related clothes
Funky clothes
PANTS, PANTS, PANTS (sighs, my waist is wider and wider) I have to lose some weight.
Hybrid car!!
wipe my college loan debts!!

Thank you!!


Oddball the innocent
Dear Santa:

P.S. Please send bbnt cash, and lots of it.


Dear Santa,

Please grant the wishes to the whining people in here and cross off of my goals for the year of 2004.


dear santa,

please tell your elves to make those things.....

1. BBNT's new nuts...
2. oddball's new balls to make it even..
3. pinkster's joyful pink animals
4.pimpdaddypoose's new pimpster
5. Bullym0m's New retard bulldog
6. Destroy The Wonka chocolate factory and bulid a Coffee factory for javapride
7. new airplane for Fly Free and a tickets which worded "free flight"

.... more to come.. ask me santa (sorry if i'm making ur elves working too hard)

Dear Santa:

what I would love for this x-mas (sorry, i refuse to say "christ-mas")
-rescue all cats/dogs/replties/animals from shelters
-art supplies
-free college education for everybody
-happiness for everybody
-end world hunger
-harmonize everybody, include the Middle East
-Prez Bush to be out of the office!

and btw- I would like one more kitten to my household! hmph... or a chihuahua?! Oooo, tough decision!
Dear Santa,

I just want to tell u that u are suck and false, and no wonder why u are comin on xmas day as it meant to be a christian holiday for jesus birthday and u fcukin confuse da children which all da poor parent have to force themselves to spend alot of cash for this!
Dear Santa,

I have been very very very Naughty!!!

I know that means coal but perhaps you can burn them up into a fire for my fireplace and you can spank me for the naughty girl I am!!!!!!

P.S. Bring me a freaky elf to be my sex slave....

you know who, wink wink
Dear Santa,

I rarely ask for much. This year is no exception. I don't need diamond earrings, handy slicer-dicers or comfy slippers. I only want one little thing, and I want it deeply.

I want to slap Martha Stewart.

Now, hear me out, Santa. I won't scar her or draw blood or anything. Just one good smack, right across her smug little cheek. I get all cozy inside just thinking about it. Don't grant this wish just for me, do it for thousands of women across the country. Through sheer vicarious satisfaction, you'll be giving a gift to us all.

Those of us leading average, garden-variety lives aren't concerned with gracious living. We feel pretty good about ourselves if our paper plates match when we stack them on the counter, buffet-style for dinner. We're tired of Martha showing us how to make centerpieces from hollyhock dipped in 18 carat gold. We're plumb out of liquid gold, unless it's of the furniture polish variety. We can't whip up Martha's creamy holiday sauce, spiced with turmeric. Most of us can't even say turmeric, let alone figure out what to do with it.

OK, Santa, maybe you think I'm being a little harsh. But I'll bet with all the holiday rush you didn't catch that interview with Martha in last week's USA Weekend. I'm surprised there was enough room on the page for her ego. We discovered that not only does Martha avoid take-out pizza (she's only ordered it once) she refuses to eat it. If she can't eat take-out like the rest of us, then she's beyond deserving of the slap.

Thanks, Santa, and see you on the 25th. Until then, I will be practicing my swing.


BabyPhat—Let me see if I’ve got this straight. You want to do a threesome with a 400 year old obese married guy and a dwarf???!!! You need help—and fast.
Dear Santa,

I really wanna a CD Burner, need upgrade Video cards chip, then drop at my brother's newest baby boy. He need many different toy.

Merr Chirstmas

Golden Leafs :)
GoldenLeaf74 said:
Dear Santa,

I really wanna a CD Burner, need upgrade Video cards chip, then drop at my brother's newest baby boy. He need many different toy.

Merr Chirstmas

Golden Leafs :)


I thought you had cd burner. What happened? Burned too many CDs eh?


KingCobra said:

I thought you had cd burner. What happened? Burned too many CDs eh?



no, I dont have it
I always use from my brother's that's why :D
Dear Santa,

I have been a semi-naughty girl this year -- but don't worry it was all personal, no one else was affected by it.

This Christmas, the one thing I'd like to see happen is to have my British sweetheart find a good opening in his work schedule and book a flight over to see me.

I'd like my potential true love to be in my arms soon.

It would be the greatest Christmas gift (don't worry, even if it doesn't come until later in the year 2004)!

Merry Christmas,
DeafSCUBA98 said:
dear santa,

please tell your elves to make those things.....

1. BBNT's new nuts...
2. oddball's new balls to make it even..
3. pinkster's joyful pink animals
4.pimpdaddypoose's new pimpster
5. Bullym0m's New retard bulldog
6. Destroy The Wonka chocolate factory and bulid a Coffee factory for javapride
7. new airplane for Fly Free and a tickets which worded "free flight"

.... more to come.. ask me santa (sorry if i'm making ur elves working too hard)


DeafSCUBA98 said:
dear santa,

please tell your elves to make those things.....

1. BBNT's new nuts...
2. oddball's new balls to make it even..
3. pinkster's joyful pink animals
4.pimpdaddypoose's new pimpster
5. Bullym0m's New retard bulldog
6. Destroy The Wonka chocolate factory and bulid a Coffee factory for javapride
7. new airplane for Fly Free and a tickets which worded "free flight"

.... more to come.. ask me santa (sorry if i'm making ur elves working too hard)


:rofl: hahah Deafscuba hahaha