Hi, Lieblieg:-)))


New Member
Oct 9, 2004
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Hie! hie! hie! hie! Yeah. there's "Have You Notice? . . . (by ^Angel^) 31st pages by my post. Hie! hie! :naughty: I have a book about German sign language called "Das Gebärdenbuch". I was wondering have you German Deaf club's website and e-mail? Let me know.

Ich bin gehörlos mean "I am :deaf: "
Uh-oh! Liebling got a secret admirer....

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wow, you created a thread for me :mrgreen:

Okay, I´ll search the websites to add the link here for you read... I´m afraid, the link I will add is only German... :eek2:

Das "Gebärdenbuch"? Do you mean Gebärdensprachen Buch?

Okay, Please give me time to add the list of Deaf clubs.... :mrgreen:

Do you can read German? How you learn German?
wow, you beat me, Kuiji75 :mrgreen:

You´re super!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

blue book???... I dunno...

I´ll find out...
CrazyRedHeadWV said:
English, please! English, please!


and your point is? It is German sign language dictionary information request, so naturally it is in German.

Looks like someone created a thread just for our Liebling! :giggle:

:giggle: @ CrazyRedHead....I was going to say that too..but you beat me to it...
kuifje75 said:
and your point is? It is German sign language dictionary information request, so naturally it is in German.

She is only joking!
CrazyRedHeadWV said:
English, please! English, please!


Hiya. I am sorry I can't come back for alldeaf, because I study at the college. I now am back by alldeaf.

You say to what mean "Das Gebardenbuch"? Gebardenbuch means "The Sign langauge book" from German.