Hi! I've been lurking...


New Member
Aug 24, 2004
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I've been lurking around here for a very long time, decided to register awhile ago, and finally decided I should do a long overdue introduction.

So, hi! I'm a freshman in college, majoring in biology. Not exactly sure what I want to do with it, but I've been thinking about teaching at a school for the deaf. I'm also learning sign language, which is my minor. I know some already becuase of prior classes I've taken and from my deaf/hoh friends, but now I can finally learn it really well! I consider myself hard of hearing. The "consider" part is a really long story... Basically, I can hear the beeps on the hearing test, but I can't understand speech very well. I also have tinnitus and a ton of other issues with my ears that none of my doctors can figure out. They just sit and scratch their heads. So yeah...since I can't understand people a lot of the time, I'm classified at school as hard of hearing too, so I have notetakers and preferential seating. I have an FM system too, but due to my other ear issues I can't use the one the school has. Hopefully I'll be able to get one for next semester, becuase I could really use it! So...that's me!
Hii Hii Hii

Welcome to AD!!! and I fall in love with your avator.. Please Please tell me is that squirrel is from minnesota too?? if so, I am jealous!

I am from NSP. Minnesota :D loves critters!!.. i have few babies in backyard (at old place) that we just moved.. I wish i could take them with us.. but I hope that new people who buy the house, treat them nice..

Hello Kaimia. I hope you enjoy AllDeaf, and welcome aboard! :wave:
Welcome to AD! I hope you will enjoy around here! Biology? Wee, that is one of my favorite subjects.

Out of curious, are you only deaf in your family?
Thank you for the welcome!

MsGiglz - Yes, the squirrel is from Minnesota too. They are my favorite animals. :) It was at the neighbor's feeder and I took the picture this summer.

Magatsu - Yes, I am the only one.
Kaimia said:
Magatsu - Yes, I am the only one.
Err, I misread one of your comment.. I was supposing to say 'are you only HoH in your family' instead of deaf. My apologizes.
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That's okay, I knew what you meant. Yes, I am the only HoH one. (Although, my dad is getting old and keeps saying "What??" more often, but that's just something that happens.)
Another Minnesota gal! :wave:

Welcome aboard and have fun posting with us. :)
Hello *waving*

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here girl :)
Herzlich Willkommen zu AD.

Share your posts with us here. :)
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Kaimia! Am glad that you took the step to register and be a part of this great and awesome Forum! You didn't indicate if you were born this way or late-deafened...anyhow, have fun reading and posting in here and hope your stay will be a rewarding experience as well! :)
Thank you thank you!

Cheri - Yeah, there seem to be a lot of Minnesotans here!

Liebling - Danke!

Roadrunner - We don't think I was born HoH, but no one's very sure. It started getting progressively worse when I was in 10th grade though. I was 15 then; I'm 19 now. We don't have proof of it before then, but no one thought to test me so we have no way of knowing either way. I did fine in school and that was all they cared about (and still do). It was quite a battle getting me a FM in high school because i was still doing fine grade-wise. But only because I stayed after school having teachers reteach me until I got it. Apparently that didn't matter. :roll:
welcome to alldeaf! i'm also fellow minnesotan! out of curious which college are you currently at?
Hello, Kaimia. Hope you enjoy your stay here. I, too, was born and raised in Minnesota (Faribault) but left a LONG time ago but still have all my siblings there, tho.
Hello Kaimia, I'm a college girl who was born and bred in Minnesota. Welcome to AD!
:bye: Hi Kaimia!!! I'm 19 as well and i'm severly HoH. I think my MSN addy is in my profile if you ever wanna chat!! If not send a PM!:D I totally understand what you are going through! It's great to have someone your age to chat to, as well as people who are HOH and or deaf. Do you wear hearing aids? I do. Hope to chat to you soon!! Good luck!!!

So many Minnesotans!

I'm from the Twin Cities and am at the College of St Catherine. There are only three other girls here who are deaf/HoH, one of which is a freshman like me. :) No, I don't wear HA's becuase of all the other stuff with my ears.

Breezy - I'll look your MSN addy and add it. :) I have AIM too.