Hi I'm Teri! Looking for new friends, and Skype buddies!


New Member
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
Hello, I'm Teri!

I was born hard of hearing, and it has always plagued me. I acquired hearing aids (pink like my hair) a few years back, and then LOST one :ugh:!!! Now I have misplaced the other, because I put it away, frustrated. It's not very helpful to have just one, it's very difficult. Anyhow, fast forward, I am now taking ASL officially in college, love it, and can't wait to practice and make new friends!!! Please find me or message me. tlcatwoman and I'm Teri Kocher S S on facebook. My Skype is linked to this account. Thanks! Have a great day!
HI :wave: How long ago did you lose the your HA , maybe if you left it on it could be feed backing and a hearing person could find it? I drive me nutty misplacing my HA . Voc Rehab might help with cost of new HA , they help people that are working to going school get new one.
Oh dear!! I know how that feels to lose an aid. Maybe you can get a loaner from a local audiologist office, mine helps me out like that all the time! Pink, though, I've been thinking of getting that color for my next new one! College is super exciting and I'm looking for asl Skype buddies too!

Good luck!:)
