Hello! My name is John and I am really excited/looking forward to meeting some awesome people and making new friends
I have always been interested in deaf culture and ASL, but my mom was one of those people who looked down upon deafness and thought just because you're deaf means you're not as smart or capable as hearing people which always ticked me off how she saw things. Well anyway so she forbid me from doing or learning anything about ASL or anything related. I forgot where I was going with this hahaha, but now I am 21 and seeing a deaf family the other day reignited my passionate yearning and interest in learning ASL and deaf culture that was buried by my mother's ignorance.
Currently I am not in school. I guess you could say I still never could decide what I wanted to do with my life but now I feel like I do and I want to continue school in deaf studies to become an interpreter or something of the sort related to deafness because for one I love helping people, helping others brings me joy to know i made someone else's day better or like I'm making a difference in some one else's life and just Idk I'm really fascinated, amazed, inspired, and just envious of how people with"disabilities" like deafness or blindness are so strong and just Idk I'm rambling lol.
I don't mean to offend anyone by how I word things, just think of it as lack of knowledge. Which is why I am here to learn and make some amazing new friends
So any advice and guidance is great encouraged
I look forward to hearing from you all, HoH, deaf, or just other hearies with similar interests or passion as i have
Oh btw, i live in San Antonio, Texas. Anyone from here too? If so message me, maybe we could Learn ASL together or attend deaf events or something lol. I have no clue of where to find events or the local deaf community so any help is appreciated .
I'm also looking for someone interested in teaching/Learning ASL to/with me. I know absolutely no ASL atm lol. I'm starting to watch Dr. Bill Vicars Videos though.
I have always been interested in deaf culture and ASL, but my mom was one of those people who looked down upon deafness and thought just because you're deaf means you're not as smart or capable as hearing people which always ticked me off how she saw things. Well anyway so she forbid me from doing or learning anything about ASL or anything related. I forgot where I was going with this hahaha, but now I am 21 and seeing a deaf family the other day reignited my passionate yearning and interest in learning ASL and deaf culture that was buried by my mother's ignorance.
Currently I am not in school. I guess you could say I still never could decide what I wanted to do with my life but now I feel like I do and I want to continue school in deaf studies to become an interpreter or something of the sort related to deafness because for one I love helping people, helping others brings me joy to know i made someone else's day better or like I'm making a difference in some one else's life and just Idk I'm really fascinated, amazed, inspired, and just envious of how people with"disabilities" like deafness or blindness are so strong and just Idk I'm rambling lol.
I don't mean to offend anyone by how I word things, just think of it as lack of knowledge. Which is why I am here to learn and make some amazing new friends
So any advice and guidance is great encouraged
I look forward to hearing from you all, HoH, deaf, or just other hearies with similar interests or passion as i have
Oh btw, i live in San Antonio, Texas. Anyone from here too? If so message me, maybe we could Learn ASL together or attend deaf events or something lol. I have no clue of where to find events or the local deaf community so any help is appreciated .
I'm also looking for someone interested in teaching/Learning ASL to/with me. I know absolutely no ASL atm lol. I'm starting to watch Dr. Bill Vicars Videos though.