Hi! I'm Nathaniel


New Member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
I live in Alabama. I help take care of my uncle. He was unfortunate enough to get in a care accident and can't walk very well.

He's a great guy. He was born deaf, but that isn't very unfortunate. It might seem unfortunate to some of you, but I'm a hearing person and I think being deaf wouldn't be something horrible. I like silence, people can say really mean things, and deaf people from my experience are always a lot nicer.

All of my uncle's friends are great people.

Here's my facebook if you like adding people, just private message me that you're from AD (alldeaf.com)

I'm 23 years old and love learning new things.

I learned the entire ASL alphabet and numbers 1-10 while driving down the highway. Uncle showed them to me, I drove with one hand and repeated them back to him, and never forgot them. Now I read the dictionary for fun and show him new and interesting signs that he never uses. lol, like "firefly."

I would love to practice signing with any of you if you're into video chatting. I might ask a lot of questions though, which might get annoying for you. I try to learn at least 30 new things per day and so remembering everything my friends and family say to me can become sluggish towards the end of the day. I changed my brain into a filing cabinet and other people don't understand me or how my brain works, which makes communication difficult with all people -- HH, deaf, or hearing.