Hi I'm metemantis


New Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hi I'm metamantis,

I am currently hearing.
I have had several times that my hearing stopped working the longest being a day.

So I have been learning more about sign language and the deaf community from a friend of mine who is deaf.

I learned about this site from google and look forward to learning more about what it's like to be deaf and how people adapt.

The doctor doesn't know what is causing it or if it will happen again, but I'm not afraid of being deaf. I know deaf is not a bad thing it would just be a new season in my life.

your story sounds like mine, there are times when my hearing just goes away also. I also have tinnitus (ringing in ears) and if I am stressed it is when my hearing is worse.

Doctor says there is nothing wrong with me! lol. To tell you the truth, I would prefer to be deaf! I wouldnt have to listen to stupid people
:welcome: To All Deaf metamantis!!
Sorry to hear about your problems there.:(
I'm hearing myself..Probably better off deaf..LoL:lol:
Anyways, Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
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:welcome: to AD!

Glad that u are ok about being deaf if that does happen. I can imagine it must be a traumatic experience for hearing people who relied on their hearing all their lives and then become deaf. I was born deaf so no difference for me.
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Have fun browsing and posting! :)