Hi from Kentuky

Herzlich Willkommen :)
I'm from Ky too


This is my first time on the site also. I am currently attending ASL classes at UofL and am on a committee that is trying to get UofL to open a new Interpreting Traning Program (ITP) and keep the present ASL classes going. Wish us luck!

This is my first time on the site also. I am currently attending ASL classes at UofL and am on a committee that is trying to get UofL to open a new Interpreting Traning Program (ITP) and keep the present ASL classes going. Wish us luck!

Let's try this again.

Imiddle07 and Sarah,

Welcome to AD. Hope you stick around and enjoy yourselves.

I moved from Lexington six months ago. My friends at the mall told me that BCTC had a few ASL classes and was trying to set up a lab. Problems with $$ and staffing were slowing them down. Here's a link:

Bluegrass Community & Technical College: Home

I don't understand why there's only one school for the entire state that offers advanced classes. EKU Richmond only graduates 25-30 students every two years. This barely makes a dent in the actual need. I took the sign skills test at KSD and almost got a temp license two years after graduating from an ITP in TX. My fingerspelling and receptive skills kept me from getting a higher score.

The program that I graduated from has 500+ students -- at least fifteen different classes with multiple sections for each class. This is what KY and other states need to keep up with the demand. (end of soapbox)

Good luck keeping the program at UofL. Go Wildcats!! :D
Louisville is phasing out the ASL classes. When I went to the site they were referring all of their students to EKU.

Well, I was told by few of my friends who works at the ITP at U of L - They are in the progress of trying to build up the program. I know that U of L ITP are also colloborating with EKU and WKU as well.


This is my first time on the site also. I am currently attending ASL classes at UofL and am on a committee that is trying to get UofL to open a new Interpreting Traning Program (ITP) and keep the present ASL classes going. Wish us luck!

That's great and good luck! Welcome to AllDeaf!

OT: The ice storm was a real doozy from what I've heard. My sis and her family had to leave their trailer for three days. It's been a long cleanup. Here's more info.

Storm costs top $200 million and continue to grow : Bluegrass Politics

Yes the ice storm from last month was a ugly mess. To this day, Even though it's already been a month - You still can see the remains of the damages from the ice storm. It was one of the costliest storm in this state's history.