Hi. AnyBody here a vollie. FF?

Wild Fire

New Member
Feb 24, 2006
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I'm new to this forum I wanted to talk to some other Deaf fire fighters with CI's and How they are handling the job. What type of stuff do they have problems with. Are they discriminated against?

My dept is pretty nice to me. They dont make infront of me which is nice. Considering I'm they only girl in my Dept and wears hearing Aides.
Wild Fire said:
I'm new to this forum I wanted to talk to some other Deaf fire fighters with CI's and How they are handling the job. What type of stuff do they have problems with. Are they discriminated against?

My dept is pretty nice to me. They dont make infront of me which is nice. Considering I'm they only girl in my Dept and wears hearing Aides.
:welcome: to AD and enjoy
Question for you

Welcome to AD. I have a question if you don't mind answering. How does your CI hold up with the constant heat and exposure to water? I didn't know they made ones that were indestructible. ;)
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf WildFire! I hope you will enjoy being on this forum, and have a great time meeting a great bunch of members! Have fun posting, and welcome aboard! :thumb:
Hello Wild Fire,

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;).....
ITPjohn said:
Welcome to AD. I have a question if you don't mind answering. How does your CI hold up with the constant heat and exposure to water? I didn't know they made ones that were indestructible. ;)

No they arent indestructible. Me personally havent been in a actual structure Fire. But The dept has no problem with me being a fire fighter.
I'm extremly careful with it. I'll figure a way around my problem.
I havent been fitted with the SCBA yet. (self contained breathing apparatus).
Heya just wanted to say thanks for welcoming me to AD. I actually thought I was alone out there in the world who is struggling with my CI and jobs/careers.

I'm hoping to meet other CI users in the New Jersey area.
I don't know about the CI and fire fighting but I know someone who has to remove HA when training for HAZMAT. When wearing all the protective gear and breathing apparatus, too much moisture from perspiration and exhaling builds up.