Heylo there...


New Member
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
Hi all!

I just found this place and thought it was really neat so I had to join!

My name is Brian. I live in West Virginia... right now I live with my brother and his wife and their 2 daughters until I move into my own place...

I'm 18 years old... I was raised in North Carolina.

I lost my hearing by Bacterial Meningitis. I had it when I was 2 & 1/2... Didn't find out that I was deaf in my left ear until 4-5 years ago when I moved to West Virginia.

I work at Subway in Wal-Mart...

Oh, and I'm adopted and LOVE Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. *Bet that was an easy one though...*

I'm also adopted to my grandparents.

X O X O,
Brian {tiggerbrian}

PS: If there's anything else ya wanna know just ask...
:welcome: Hey there! Howdy doo to the state-like neighborhood :) Welcome to All Deaf and enjoy this forum as much as I have! :thumb:
Well where I am now is like a city... I used to live more around mountains... but it wasn't that pretty there... but when you went to drive around or whatever and went on the mountains it was beautiful...

But thanks all for the welcome. :)
Thanks for the welcome MD.... I figured you were from Australia then I saw Melbourne and I was right. *LoL*

Nice to meet ya!
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Welcome to Ad. It's great that you found us, its a wonderful family to be a part of. I hope you stay with us for many posts.