Heya, I'm new and from England


New Member
Jun 22, 2008
Reaction score

I'm new and I'm 17 next month and from England.

I have a 40% hearing loss so wear hearing aids

Just wanted to chat to people really xxx
Hi Shell,

I was doing study abroad in England back in 2005 and I had so much fun. I met deaf and HOH people from Mary hare, and other place. Also, I learned BSL and studied at UEA (Uni of east anglia).
Cool! Yeah Englands alrite.
The weathers always crappy lol

I wanna learn SL...But costs a fortune
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Enjoy being with us on this fun forum. :)
Welcome to AllDeaf!
I've been to London (as you can see it on my avatar). I couldn't live there for real. Hope you enjoy this forum. ;)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I don't know where you can go for free on learning how to sign the BSL in England. How about Deaf communities? Maybe you can get advice from them on where to find BSL(British Sign Language) class. Look under organizations and search for special needs or the deaf hearing society(a place where they can help you with like sign language, TDD, phone signaler, and other things that are access to you). We will try to help you and we do have some British ADers and also Australian ADers who sign Australian Sign Language. You will learn a lot from us.

I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:

have a good explore of AD. I went to England because of my cousins live in London. It was crazy over there. It was fun and quite experience of 3 weeks livin' in London.

I just learned how to BSL from brah- JClarke.It makes me want to learn more-

Peace out from CALIFORNIA-

have a good explore of AD. I went to England because of my cousins live in London. It was crazy over there. It was fun and quite experience of 3 weeks livin' in London.

I just learned how to BSL from brah- JClarke.It makes me want to learn more-

Peace out from CALIFORNIA-

Guess, it is only fingerspelling, eh?
Welcome to AllDeaf!
I've been to London (as you can see it on my avatar). I couldn't live there for real. Hope you enjoy this forum. ;)

OOo another hott girl just for authentic to stalk ;-) hahaha just kiddin
Welcome to AD!:wave::wave: