

New Member
Jul 26, 2011
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My name's Brittany but everyone calls me Britty. I am 23 years old and a HoH single mother to a 2 year old ( who is my WORLD! ) . I wasn't born Hoh, I had meningitis when I was 2 1/2 years old and between the the fever of 107.7 and the antibiotics, i had lost my hearing. I was lucky to survive such a high temperature! I currently do not know ASL because my loss wasn't significant enough to where I needed it. I had learned to read lips and I wear BTE's.

I live in the greater Dayton area in Ohio. It's pretty much boring here. I am attending University and majoring in Zoology! I love animals and cannot wait to start working with them! Marine Biology and Mammalogy are my two interest!

I would love to talk to and meet Hoh/deaf people in my area! I don't know very many! I am taking ASL in university and would love someone to help me with it! I'm an outgoing person and I love to do crazy spontaneous things! Your only young once! ( my fav is to go to the clubs and dance to the vibrations of the speakers! Music is my life! The way the vibrations move your body and you can FEEL the beat is AMAZING! I play the VIOLA and have been playing for 12 years! ) I also play drums ! I am a peaceful person and somewhat of a hippie child! Simple and Sweet is my motto! You want to know anything else just reply here!

peace love and happiness,
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:welcome: to AD!

You look familiar. Did you grow up in Phx, AZ?
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Very interesting thread. I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. See you around here. :wave:
Hi Britty,

I'm Lauren. I'm new here too, and actually new to hearing loss. I became completely deaf from a car accident a few weeks ago. It's quite an adjustment. I don't know ASL yet (obviously), but I'm starting classes next week and definitely looking forward to it.

Anyway, just wanted to say hi - I'm looking to connect with others who are my age/going thru what I am.
