

New Member
Oct 12, 2012
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:wave: Hi everyone..Im Cindy..Im brand new here....so happy I found this site.. I am profoundly deaf. When I was born, the doctor told my mother that by the time I reached adulthood I would be completely deaf. The inside of my right ear is all deformed and I had afew surgeries on it but nothing was actually done to fix it. I was already severely HOH..so all thru grade school i was in speech therapy. Well im now profoundly deaf, I wear a hearing aid in my left ear cuz I have a residule amount of hearing in it...however without the hearing aid....my world is completely silent. My biggest issue right now is being in hearing limbo..I speak very well ( except for soundin like im from Jersey alot of the time) I get told quite often..your not Deaf, Deaf people cant talk....what?????? or your just a HOH person..because you dont speak Deaf.......Again....what?????? finding it hard to meet guys, cuz as soon.as they find out..they slowly back away from me like I have a disease or something...findin work has been really tough since i lost the hearing....SO FRUSTRATING!! Hearing aid in...im a part of the land of the hearing...hearing aid out....Im not......Hearing Purgatory !!!! And put my well spoken speech in the mix...noone believes me......Should i head back to the Island of Misfit Toys? Lol...
Hi Hun, you sound a lot like me, is speak well so one believes I am deaf...it isnt easy...welcome to all deaf
how old are you? maybe you could go to Gally or NTID to become fluent in ASL and REALLY find yourself. We have a ton of other people like you here.....your story is sadly all too common
I think I would fit better on an Island of Misfits better than hearing world. Nice creativity there.
Hi, Cindy

Mary Louise here.

No, keep moving forward. Have you considered additional college classes just for fun -- stuff where the guys are? That's a great way to meet them.
Wouldn't have to be something hard, just something social.
Hi MaryLouise,

Welcome to AllDeaf too. Good Advice given to Cindy. Cindy, there are resources plently available at your disposal, don't feel bad about your profound hearing loss (totally Deaf). It's a Blessings in disguise, that won't stop you from reaching your potential. You are created for a purpose by your creator.
So good luck in whatever you aim to do in life. Cheers!