Hey girls, does this turn you on?

:giggle: :giggle: LMAO!!!

I already got my husband..
hahahaha....Thanks for telling me what was shown on the video! I appreciate it ;)
I do not make fun of men who are overweight. Inner personality is more important.
Looks Do Not Counts

I agree with Casperman, yet noticed some people here do not like over-weighted people and that isn't nice, because you don't know that they the over-weighted could be an awesome person with a big good heart, also they could be very nice and gentle too, even kindness...

Their personality, their heart, their soul, their mind, they are human too, not as a fat or big nor over-weighted object things...

We are not an object of something how we looks, looks at retarded people, crippled people, deaf like us and hard of hearing like us, people who are blinded, slow-learners, old people who cannot stayed young forever, dwarfs that can't grows taller wanted to be average height, tall people can't grows average height they wanted, ugly people cannot be pretty, cute nor beautiful, people that have bad crooked teeth, bucket teeth, gapped teeth, men and women rarely get balded head, people that have ugly nose, some are born with no arm, leg and hand, many are dying of diseased, many born with difficultity, it is not their fault that they're born like that...

A theft wasn't born a theft, nor a murderer wasn't born a murderer, we inherited the sins from our first parents Adam and Eve, they disobeyed God's law and lost their beautiful garden, they are the one who gave us the sins to be born wrong, we should not blame others for the way they looks different from us, we are to love them like brothers & sisters no matter what they looks like, be kinds to them, make them happy for who they are and to accept as they are......

We cannot blame them for their genetric, I love all kinds of people, I don't care what colors their skin is and I don't care if they looks like a monster I still love them be kinds to them and make them feels special too....

I've watched on Television about this 14 years old boy, I surely cryed hard, because everyone in his school makes fun of his weight, they teased him, picks on him and beat him up, etcs, it made me so angry how they mistreated him wrong because of his over-weighted, this 14 years old boy hanged himself.....

I thinks many of us should considered thinks about this before all else goes, never make fun, pick on or hurts the person because of the looks they were born with and it's not their fault, they cannot help looking different....

Please take heart and love them as if even they could be your own children who happen to have this conditions ....Thanks for reading!

P.S. My cousin learned his big lesson, because he married a lady that has great big boobs, she's skinny, but he found that her personality stinks, which she wasn't the right woman for him, my cousin realized that it's the heart you should looks for, not the looks on the outside, they're divorced few years ago, they also have 3 kids, how sad!

I've watched on Television about this 14 years old boy, I surely cryed hard, because everyone in his school makes fun of his weight, they teased him, picks on him and beat him up, etcs, it made me so angry how they mistreated him wrong because of his over-weighted, this 14 years old boy hanged himself.....

Awww... :( I would have done the same, cried my eyes out, I wish I knew someone that goes through this like this 14 yrs old kid, I would be there for that person in a heartbeat, I hate to see kids being made fun of because of their looks or weight or anything else. It's so immature. People/kids can be so cruel sometimes. *smh*
Hi Cheri

Yeah I know...In my heart is sensitive, I don't care what people looks like anymore, one day I was at the store and this retarded boy wanted to shake my hand, I got kinda embarassed which there's people standin' around me watching, so anyway he was in line with this lady and another boy and all of suddenly he wanted to shake my hand I accepted and he hugged me, afterall I didn't get embarassed, I had loosen up try not to care what people thinks....but it was cute though, trying to be brave, not easy, cos I care really care to show love to all nomatter what....Thanks for understanding,:ty: !

Awww... :( I would have done the same, cried my eyes out, I wish I knew someone that goes through this like this 14 yrs old kid, I would be there for that person in a heartbeat, I hate to see kids being made fun of because of their looks or weight or anything else. It's so immature. People/kids can be so cruel sometimes. *smh*
At least get liposuction if losing weight isn't feasible. Nothing wrong with fat people but they re painful to watch especially when they re half-naked/completely naked in public area.

Da what are you saying that big people are too painful to watch if they are a half buck naked or a whole buck naked....I'm :pissed:

Well I've seen big people wears tight clothes, half showed their bludged belly hanging down or in bathing suit don't pained my eyes, I feels sad knowing they do not enjoy being this way, everyone born with a different imbalances in their body, their genetric are different, it's nobody faults they were born this way, ain't nice to says they are painful to watch...:pissed:

About the dangerous Liposuction, hmmm did you know the famous singer James Brown's wife died on the table having a Liposuction ? Ain't worth getting killed by a Liposuction, too risky and even for bypass stomach staple lives 10 to 15 years to have that done....

I watch on cable about this Lady she had a bypass stomach staple and nearly die 9 times, she anyway went ahead to have it reversed and it saved her life, she realized how dangerous it is....

I whether use my own *WillPower* to exercise to lose weight whether to risks my life by having a Liposuction or a bypass, forget it, my sister told me how dangerous they are, I listens and I've lost weight with my own successes instead of ruining my life by taking pills to lose weight or others, found out that diet pills is a scams, I used to take em and gained it all back once you stop, I whether make myself rich than making the diet pills company rich or the bypass rich or the Liposuction rich....

I saw one bus driver had a bypass and boy her body looks funny, the shape of it looks horrible, I whether have no scars on my body, I wants my body to looks nice and smooth without being all cut up, I've seen it on people, it looks horrified than overweighted people....

My cousin's wife had a bypass, she had it done when she was 26 years old and I saw her at my aunt's funeral, she's now in her 30 and she looks like she's in her 40 or 50 years old instead of 30 years old, found out she lacked vitamin, lacked water, she has small little box of two little pieces of cookie to eat, I sure hell tell you she looks oldddd, her hair is grayyyy, she looks terrible, even everyone in my family said she looks terrible....

I'll go with the natural way to lose weight, by the way big people are beautiful anyway!!!

At least get liposuction if losing weight isn't feasible. Nothing wrong with fat people but they re painful to watch especially when they re half-naked/completely naked in public area.
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Peppe LePew

What i mean is that some people are lazy and dont want to get their ass off couch and go to gym to lose weight. Liposcution is easy way out for them. If you chose to lose weight natrually thru either excerise or eat right way, then power to you.

Yes i know that there are some beautiful big people but what i dont like to see pp with stomach that are bulging out under their shirt. That is very disgustful MOFO.
At least get liposuction if losing weight isn't feasible. Nothing wrong with fat people but they re painful to watch especially when they re half-naked/completely naked in public area.

How is it painful to watch?...
How is it painful to watch?...

1. Unnatrual body proportion
2. Feel sorry for them (healthy problem, issues w/ self-esteem)
3. Hurtful to my sight
4. Bad flashbacks to high school (fat pp being picked on, committing sucide)
5. Worry abt them as they re being subjected to nasty jokes
How is it painful to watch?...
Did you get a chance to see the video? the guy made a video of himself only in his underwear and he's overweight. He turned the camcorder on and went to the bed and turned on the bed vibrator.. the guy sat at the end of the bed to show his body wigglin' and he got up close showing his undy. also the guy was just doing it for fun.

I don't make fun of fat people. fat people do have beautiful hearts and its sad to know they struggle with their self esteem especially with some people go "oh my god, he/she need to lose weight" or "ewww not my type" just because they're fat???

truth is.. alot of people don't see the inside .. only see the outside. its pretty selfish to act that way towards big people. I grew up knowing not to make fun of people because we're basically humans!
Did you get a chance to see the video? the guy made a video of himself only in his underwear and he's overweight. He turned the camcorder on and went to the bed and turned on the bed vibrator.. the guy sat at the end of the bed to show his body wigglin' and he got up close showing his undy. also the guy was just doing it for fun.

I don't make fun of fat people. fat people do have beautiful hearts and its sad to know they struggle with their self esteem especially with some people go "oh my god, he/she need to lose weight" or "ewww not my type" just because they're fat???

truth is.. alot of people don't see the inside .. only see the outside. its pretty selfish to act that way towards big people. I grew up knowing not to make fun of people because we're basically humans!

exactly ... like i said i dont like fat people show off their fats . :rl:
Did you get a chance to see the video? the guy made a video of himself only in his underwear and he's overweight. He turned the camcorder on and went to the bed and turned on the bed vibrator.. the guy sat at the end of the bed to show his body wigglin' and he got up close showing his undy. also the guy was just doing it for fun.

I don't make fun of fat people. fat people do have beautiful hearts and its sad to know they struggle with their self esteem especially with some people go "oh my god, he/she need to lose weight" or "ewww not my type" just because they're fat???

truth is.. alot of people don't see the inside .. only see the outside. its pretty selfish to act that way towards big people. I grew up knowing not to make fun of people because we're basically humans!

Yeah Roadrunner show it to me, I agree with everything you said above :ily: