Hey from Seattle


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
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My name is Winkte and I am from the sometimes sunny city of Seattle.
I am currently a student at EDCC learning ASL. I love it!! I find the language to be rich. I am also enjoying my learning about the depth of the Deaf Community.
I am 12 years clean and sober and am writing a research paper on the accessiblility of recovery services to the Deaf Community, or should I say the lack of. This upsets me, I called and asked if the AA centeral office knew of any AA meetings that offered an interpreter, and there is only one in the meeting book. There are over 1400 meeting in the greatter Seattle area and only one that consisently offers and interpreter. I want to change this!!!What can I do to help get more services out there for the Recovering Deaf Community. :grouphug:
:wave: :welcome: to Alldeaf Winkte!!! I hope you will enjoy your stay on this forum, and make many new friends!! Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!! :)

Welcome to Alldeaf and enjoy your stay here ;)...
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf Winkte! Pertaining to the question you have in mind, (a very generous and worthy cause to seek/lead-- ;) ), perhaps if you could check with the local Deaf Club or even contact the ADA chapter in the area...one other thought you may want to consider or try and that would be contacting the Interpreter Agency/Affiliation to see if they would be willing to spread out in order to reach more individuals that surely could benefit from having interpreters readily available at more of these meetings. ;) Anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! :)