Hey from Australia!


New Member
Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Hello everyone ... Just want to introduced myself from Australia. I am deaf and currently a full time study at University. I am looking forward to reading all the inforamtion and meet some wonderful people from all over the world.

Ahh... Great meet'n you and welcome you here on AD and let's breath away..

I'm pure canadian. :)
Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

Come and share your posts here with us :thumb:
:wave: :welcome: cbr600f4i and welcome to Alldeaf. It's nice to have you on board with us at AD. Have fun posting!!!

I come from the States, Rhode Island, that is on the eastern side, of New England.

Take care!!!
Aloha from Oahu and welcome to enjoy with us AD forums!

Hope to see you there in AD forums shaka. Wishes you was here in Hawaii if you have not heard of anything about Hawaii lets look at www.alohafriends.com winks shaka
Welcome to AD. :) I used to live in Australia for 6.5 years - which uni you going to and which state you from? I lived in Scoresby, Victoria.
cbr600f4i said:
Hello everyone ... Just want to introduced myself from Australia. I am deaf and currently a full time study at University. I am looking forward to reading all the inforamtion and meet some wonderful people from all over the world.


do u surf?
Hello &

hello, i am a ful sssssstudent n the unversity and i like meeting deaf peole arond the wordl
Giday cbr600f4i

Welcome aboard to AD!

(which states do you comes from? I'm from VIC).