Hey Everybody, its salem!


New Member
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Just checking hows this forum is going..Lot of changes i see. Hope some of u remember me :)
Uhh... who the hell are you!?

Just kidding! Welcome back! :thumb:
Heya! I still am using your avatar! Hey, do you, by any chance, still have my signature? I lost it :(
Hey Salem, howdy !!!??? ! Of course,
I still remember YOU... I still use this
your same old signature here THANKS !!!

You're the Champ :)
im surprised to see some of you still using whatever I created...:)

LinuxGold, I dont have ur sig, but perhaps, it may be in the FTP in alldeaf's account. Maybe you can ask alex since I don't have access to salem's ftp anymore.
Hello Salem,

Indeed i do remember ya too, been a long long time....
I remember you, you used to flirt with OldNavyGirl
Heh, back in the old days.......

Let's look back to our old AllDeaf days -- Video conferencing, flirting, etc....

Back In The Old Days
Recollecting the memoirs of the past,
Where our youthful days could'nt last,
Enjoying the talents of our dreams,
In glory, future horizon, brightly gleams,
Where care nor concern befall us all,
So intense doth youth gladdened us all,
With energies so full of sun rays,
Back in the old days,

In everyday lives where we've been through,
Aging as our joys became a few,
With hardships we've faced with dispute,
As we constantly nurse our dying fruit,
As our next beloved generations came along,
Doth we realize in past, we no longer belong,
Forever doth we desirously ponder in all ways,
Back in the old days.

-Scott Hamm
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. yeah been on and off by keepin in touch, at least hes still around and alive. :)
Hi Salem,

Welcome back to AD and enjoy your stay here once again :)