Hey all. New here.


New Member
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
I know what you're thinking, least creative screen name ever. I know.

Anyway, Hello! My name is Sam :D

I'm not Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Just hearing here.
But I've been taking ASL since 7th grade (I'm in 9th now) and I'm really interested in the Deaf Community.

See, my dad seems to think that when I turn 18 I should be an ASL Interpreter. (Reasons: They are in need, It wont be a full schedual, and it can support me and my writing)
Welcome to AD. Dont be afraid and post away whatever is on your mind. :D
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! Interesting to know how long you've been taking ASL, whether or not you'll be an interpreter in the years ahead, meeting and interacting with other Deaf/HoH will be cool too--anyhow, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)

Have a great day! :wave:

Wow. I forgot about this site. Weird.

Hi again. There was really no point in making a new thread just to say I've rediscovered this website. So I'm just posting again.

Nothing's really changed, I still want to be an interpreter, and I'm still in ASL class. I'm in my last year of that class, ASL III, since there will be no ASL IV (we really wanted it to, but it's not in the budget I guess). I'm going to find another way to study/learn more ASL.

Sorry for the Intro-and-run last time. ^^;
:welcome: back to AllDeaf forum. Well, that is good that you want to become an interpreter in the future. Keep up with your ASL. You are doing great. Only way is to find some deaf and hard of hearing people to communicate in Deaf events like Deaf Club or Deaf bowling or Deaf convention, etc. You are welcome here to communicate with us. Enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
Hi and :welcome: back to AD! Hope you will continue to enjoy this forum. :)